#1 [↑][↓]  10-02-2012 22:02:40

Commandant de bord
Lieu: Salon de Provence
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2008
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[FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Salut à tous,

Je viens de tomber sur cette news concernant la nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 par Peter Dowson.
Version 4.80 pour FSX et version 3.999 pour FS2004.

Comme toujours c'est disponible ici: http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html

Si vous savez ce qu'apporte ces nouvelles versions (surtout pour FSX) je suis preneur...

Bonne soirée, Skull.

Intel Core I7-2600K OC @ 4.5 Ghz - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P  - 16 Go de G.Skill Sniper 8 Go (2x4Go) DDR3 1600 Mhz CL9 - ASUS GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 2 Go - 2 VelociRaptor 600 Go 3.5" SATA 6GB/s - 1 Caviar Black 1 To SATA 6GB/s - Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Titanium - Corsair Professional Serie Gold AX1200 - Corsair Hydro Serie H80 - Windows 7 SP3 64 bits - Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced -

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#2 [↑][↓]  10-02-2012 22:15:36

Lieu: LFEE
Date d'inscription: 05-09-2008
Renommée :   11 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Additional Facilities
1 The Lua serial port library, com, has been expanded to include special support for joystick HID devices.The data being read using the usual com.read (or a new com.readlast) function can be analysed to extract joystick axis or other analogue values and button or switch states. The capabilities offered far exceed those of the standard joystick interface supported in FSUIPC. Up to 16 axes of each of 12 different types, and up to 256 buttons or switches, can be read. The revised Lua package should be downloaded for full information, included an example plug-in (HidDemo.lua).
2. The Lua File System library (lfs), by the "Kepler Project" is now built into FSUIPC. Reference information is provided within the latest Lua plug-ins package.
3. A new Lua event is available: event.terminate, to do up to 5 mSecs of processing before FSUIPC forcibly terminates the Lua thread.
4. Full support for the GoFlight GF-WP-6 modules is included. The Lua gfd library is extended with new indicator colour setting facilities.
5. A new parameter can be added to the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file to prevent FSUIPC4 setting the Squawkbox 4 transponder mode when an external program writes to offset 7B91. The parameter is
This is added to get over a problem with, in particular, the OpenCockpits driver, which seems to try to handle both SB3 and SB4 transponders by writing to 7B91 and dealing direct with SB4 at the same time. The FSUIPC4 parameter does not stop the added SB4 transponder controls from operating, however.
6. The Profile facilities in FSUIPC are extended by allowing a new Profile to be created based on an existing one. When the Profile drop-down is selected for an as-yet unassigned aircraft, the option "New, based on ..." leads to another selection where the Profile to be copied can be selected, before the new name is chosen.
7. A new Lua function is provided to test button flag states:
ipc.testbuttonflag( joynum, btn )
This operates exactly like the testbutton function but tests the button flag state instead the button itself. Note that there are no flags associated with the POV setting, so the button number is in the range 0 - 31 only.
8. In order to encourage new or developing FSUIPC users to switch to Profiles for assignments, instead of the older aircraft-specific arrangement, the INI settings for UseProfiles and ShortAircraftNameOk are automatically changed to Yes and Substring respectively if upon loading FSUIPC detects no existing use of the aircraft specific facilities.
9 GoFlight devices are now re-scanned for new connections whenever the "reload" button is pressed in the FSUIPC Buttons & Switches options. Note that there is a small possibility that this could crash any running Lua plug-in which is currently accessing GF devices through the Lua gfd library, but this risk has been kept as small as possible.
10. The new VRInsight Boeing and Airbus style MCP combi modules are now recognised and supported, like the original MCP-combi. The names are MCP2B and MCP2A, respectively.
11 A new function is provided in the Lua ipc library, to read assigned joystick axis values, as read from the device (not after calibration). This function is:
val = ipc.axis(joy#, axis)
where joy# is the Joystick number (or "letter" when joystick letters are in use), and axis is one of "X", "Y", "Z", "R", "U", "V",. These values are as shown in the axis assignment option screen.
12 Support is added for "Mouse Look", to operate in a similar way to the default FSX facility, but not needing Controllers enabled in FSX. Mouse zoom using the mouse wheel is also implemented.
13. The "AlsoSave" flight saving facility, accessed via FSUIPC Options in the AutoSave/GPSout tab, is extended in three ways:
a) It is now usable without enabling AutoSave itself. It operates as long as the AlsoSave name field is not empty. b) The timing for saving is now adjustable in the tab. An error previously made this field only adjustable in the INI file. c) You can tailor the saved filename with special values

14. Extended the "AlsoManage" facilities for AutoSave to allow up to 32 such entries, named "AlsoManage1" up to "AlsoManage32".
15. Version 1.2 of Prepar3D is supported. The updated installer is updated to correctly recognise this version and install correctly. It also installs a new DLL ("SimConnectP3D.dll") which allows FSUIPC4 to use the up-to-date Prepar3D SimConnect interface, and making it no longer dependent upon the installation of the older ESP SimConnect side-by-side library.
NOTE that there is a small problem in the released version of Prepar3D 1.2 which causes it to crash when terminated if any SimConnect client program created a Menu entry, as of course FSUIPC4 does. This is known to Lockheed-Martin and will be fixed in an update shortly.
16. The GoFlight ―DIO‖ (Digital Input-Output) device is now supported, both in the recognition of its buttons and switches (up to 56) for assignment, and in the handling in the Lua gfd library, where it‘s 32 outputs can also be switched.
17. A new Lua library called ext is added (also in WideClient 6.899h) which loads, handles and closes external programs and, to some extent, program windows such any those undocked from FS. The latest Lua plug-ins package includes full documentation. The 'ext' library was then extended with shell, keys and message posting functions. This also applies to WideClient 6.899j.
18. The New Weather Interface (NWI) has been modified a little to handle the apparent 'gap' above the surface wind layer to the 2nd upper wind layer. It appears that no matter what details you set for the 1st upper wind layer, the layer is only used as a transition from the surface to the next (the second) upper layer.
Therefore the "spare" filed in the NewWind structure has been taken over as "GapAbove", applying to the surface layer only. This gives the number of metres to leave above the top of the surface layer before positioning the base of the next (first upper) layer. Likewise, on reading FSX weather, this field will now contain the actual gap set.
The updated version of WeatherSet2 already released (version 1.60) allows this field to be read and set.
19. The WideFS Server incorporated into FSUIPC4 can now be set to run in "BroadcastMode" by setting
in the [WideServer] section of FSUIPC4.INI. When the Clients being used are running WideClient 6.90 (or later), and UDP mode is being used (not TCP), then all data required by all Clients is grouped together and sent for all clients in broadcasts rather than in one-to-one specific messages.
This can reduce the load on WideServer considerably, and especially so the more Client PCs there are wanting data. In consequence the cap on the data frame rate of 25-35 normally applied is then relaxed, allowing data frame rates of up to 60-65 (or FS frame rates if lower). And even then the loading on WideServer is substantially lower than otherwise, and it will feel generally more responsive.
To try this, install WideClient 6.90 on every client, and either remove the "Protocol=TCP" parameter from the INI files or change it to Protocol=UDP. In FSUIPC4.INI, in the [WideServer] section, set
The latter makes it use UDP automatically for any clients not specifying otherwise.
You can mix and match as needed. If you are using any copies of WideClient with non-zero ClassInstances, they have to stay using TCP. You should also always use TCP for unreliably connections, such as wireless ones, as there is no recovery and no checking using UDP.
20. A specific class of FSX crashes in G3D.DLL are trapped and prevented. The occurrence is logged instead, and FSX simply continues. A count of these events is included at the end of the log when FSX is closed normally. Note that this activity only applies to FSX at SP2 or Acceleration levels, and operates without configuration on both registered and unregistered installations.
21. The G-force value at offset 11BA is now also available in its original SimConnect 64-bt double form, not scaled by 625, at the 8-byte offset 1140. It is updated at the same rate as 11BA -- i.e. the FS frame rate.
22. FSUIPC now incorporates an interface to Oliver Pabst's AES program. Unless turned off by an INI file parameter change, FSUIPC will now automatically remove default airport vehicles which duplicate the AES ones at the gate. Unfortunately, at present , this doesn't include the default pushback vehicles.
The recognition of the AES installation is logged in the FSUIPC4 log, during initialisation. When the AES services at the gate are commenced, FSUIPC4 logs the fact along with the AES version number and the airport's ICAO code.
To stop the automatic removal of the default vehicles change the INI file [General] parameter DeleteVehiclesForAES=Yes to "No".
23. The ICAO code for the nearest weather station is now provided at offset 0E80, as 4 characters (only -- no zero terminator). This is updated when FSUIPC4 reads the weather, so the interval depends on the weather read interval.
24. The nearest six airports offsets (0658 ff) are now populated reliably with FSX. (Tested only in FSX+Acceleration in version 4.755: reports awaited for SP2). Currently this improvement does not apply to FSX RTM or SP1, nor ESP or P3D.
Bugs fixed
1. Some of the user registration checks have been modified in order to get around some recent security changes in Windows.
2. The Lua facilities for loading and running external modules have been improved and should now allow C DLL modules as well as Lua modules to run okay, if they are designed to run on the standard Lua interpreter. These fixes do need more extensive testing, but it seems the main cause of problems, the alignment of members of structures, was the culprit: All FS structures are single-byte aligned (i.e. no alignment), so FSUIPC had to be so arranged to interface to it correctly, whereas the default C alignment to by member size, up to 64-bit or 8 bytes max. FSUIPC now arranges for the Lua structures to be so aligned so that they match the assumption in the external modules.
3. Fixed offsets 332E–3336, and 3412, 3416, 3418 to provide the axis values is the correct range, calibrated if so subjected. For clarification, for throttles the correct range is 0-16k for forward thrust, with negative values providing reverse. These values are then suitable for application directly to the FS control offsets, as documented.
These offsets have been wrong for a long time, often providing the incorrect range (-16k to +16k). Therefore, in case this bug fix messes up any programs which have assumed the offsets were behaving correctly, and made their own "fix" already, a parameter in the [General] section of the FSUIPC.INI file is available to force these back to their old (wrong) behaviour: just set "AxesWrongRange=Yes".
Note that this was mostly fixed by version 4.743, but a further correction was applied in 4.745.
4. The Lua com library function gethidvalues now gives proper values for some non-standard implementations, such as the dials on GoFlight devices.
5. The "slopes" option in FSUIPC's joystick calibration facilities now also apply correctly to brakes. Previously the slopes could be assigned but were ignored.
6. An odd error in the Joystick Calibration pages is corrected which could make the NRZ (No Reverse Zone) option selection in the pages which feature this affect other pages in this tab. This would have been noticeable only when setting (or resetting and setting) one of those others immediately after selecting the NRZ option elsewhere. The centre selection would disappear. If the dialogue was closed and reopened in-between these actions no problems would have been observed.
7. The use of [ and ] characters in Profile names has always been disallowed (they are replaced by ( and ) respectively), but if the 'new profile' entry contained only [ and ] characters an invalid null profile section would have been produced. This is now fixed.
8. Section names in the FSUIPC.INI file which are incomplete -- not featuring [ ... ], or invalid for Windows -- having multiple or missing [ or ] characters -- are now automatically fixed, normally be deleting the offending line altogether.
9. When a Lua plug-in thread is forcibly terminated, the correct tidy-up procedures actions in the interpreter are now correctly executed.
10. Problems caused by macro files of greater than 32 kb are fixed.
11. FSUIPC now no longer makes auto-assignments for PFCHID quadrant axes if the main PFC driver (PFCFSX.DLL) is also loaded.
12. Two problems are fixed which caused incorrect output values to be provided for non-linear slopes in the negative parts of the axis range.
13. The mouse macro making facility has been made more crash-proof in circumstances where a delay in updating files on disk allows the macro naming window to remain on screen after closing the making session.
14. An error in the filtering option (in the joystick calibrations options) could have resulted in occasional spurious incorrect values creeping through any filtered axis assigned in FSUIPC as "direct to FSUIPC calibration". This is corrected.
15. Renamed the FSUIPC-added controls "Xpndr low nn inc/dec and Xpnds high nn inc/dec so that the "inc" and "dec" correctly reflects the action performed.
16. Fixed a serious bug which prevented the semi-auto mouse macro creation facility working correctly except on Prepar3D. This would have been particularly noticeable on the more advanced cockpits like the new PMDG 737NGX.
17. The Lua event.intercept facility now does not erroneously call the given function initially with existing offset values. The function is only called when an attempt is made to write to the offset from an application.
18. The installer now correctly searches all user Application Data folders for FSX.EXE.
19. FSUIPC4 now attempts to avoid a clash between a later SimConnect with an older FSX.EXE installation. This sorry situation can arise if, for example, FSX SP2 or Acceleration is uninstalled, or FSX s re-installed incompletely, whilst the SimConnect parts are left partially intact (it being nearly impossible to remove them!). FSUIPC4 will check the version of FSX.EXE and not use a later SimConnect.
20. The facility to send SimConnect extended METAR strings via offsets B000-B7FF did not work until version 4.745.
21. Fixed a problem with Lua plug-in names beginning with 'Set', "Clear', 'Toggle', 'Kill', 'Debug' or 'Value' where, for example, the macro "Lua SetADF" would have been incorrectly treated as "LuaSet ADF" and therefore not actually run the one called "SetADF" but set a flag for a running one called "ADF" instead.
A space between the Lua and Set (or whatever) is still accepted if present, however, as in, for example "Lua Set ADF" to set a flag for a plug-in actually named "ADF".
22. The Offset signed decrement and Offset cyclic decrement had minor bugs affecting how they operated. These are now fixed.
23. An error in the critical section synchronisation in the Lua interpreter could cause FS to hang when attempting to "Kill" (terminate forcibly) a thread which is resident and processing events. This would have been quite rare (but probably rather less rare the more events being processed), but it is now fixed.
24. A weird problem with the weather handling has been fixed which previously could cause applications using Global Weather Mode to have their wind changes freeze occasionally. This had been reported by folks using ASE in DWC mode. Interestingly it did not happen when FSUIPC4's wind smoothing was enabled. Now it shouldn't happen at all in any circumstances.
25. The cloud and wind "at aircraft" data offsets, 0E84-0E88 and 0E94-0E98, are now working for any number of cloud or wind layers. Previously, being tied to the FS98 style values, they were limited to only examining the lower three layers.
26. Throttle disconnection operated by offsets 310A and 310B now works correctly when some of the throttles are controlled by FSUIPC's mapping options rather than by specific axis assignment.
27. The wind and cloud turbulence values being set and read were inaccurate, not the correct decodes and encodes for the FSX METAR method. This is fixed now. It is surprising how long this error has gone unnoticed!
28. Another long-standing bug is fixed. The InitialButton facility hasn't worked for a long time except for users of the PFC driver (PFCFSX) -- seems that until recently no one else used this facility!
Other improvements
1. Axis values written to the erstwhile "PFC axis" offsets, 3BA8 - 3BC4, are now automatically ranged if RAW mode is not selected and the axis has not yet been assigned. This makes those offsets much more suitable to use by additional hardware which is not recognised by Windows as a joystick type, or (especially) to using any sort of joystick axes from a WideClient application or Lua plug-in.
2. DLLs which are used by Lua plug-ins can be placed in a sub-folder in the Modules folder called DLL. Previously they had to be placed in the main FS folder, or in windows or Windows System folders.
3. The FSUIPC logging options can now be read and set via offset 3400 (16-bit word).
4. Additional offsets are available providing read-only data associated with FSX's pushback facility:
0334 - 4 bytes - Float32 -- Radians - Pushback angle 0338 - 4 bytes - Float32 -- Feet - Pushback contact X 033C - 4 bytes - Float32 -- Feet - Pushback contact Y 0340 - 4 bytes - Float32 -- Feet - Pushback contact Z
5. In order to make it easier to check Events in the FSUIPC4.log file when using aircraft such as the new PMDG 737NGX, which appear to be sending some events continuously all the time they are loaded, a new INI file parameter is available to avoid logging specific event numbers. This is
DontLogThese= ...
and goes into the [General] section. You can list individual events (by their decimal control number), or a range, nm, inclusive of the end points. Each is separated from the next by a comma.
6. In case for some reason you need FSUIPC to use an older version of SimConnect than the latest you have installed, you can try adding this line to the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file
where "Orig" stands for "Original" (the build 60905 version which came with the original release of FSX), or alternatively one of these:
SP1 for the SP1 updated version SP2 for the SP2 or Acceleration version (the same SimConnect version applies to both these updates) ESP for the first ESP version P3D for the current Prepar3D version
Note that it is unlikely that either of the last two will work correctly with FSX, but it is possible (not tested though) that those later simulators will work with FSX versions of SimConnect.
The use of this facility is at your own risk. It won't do any harm, but FSX might not work if you make the wrong choice here. Check the FSUIPC4.LOG when you first set this, to see what actually then happened.
The facility is only provided as a work-around for some obscure SimConnect installation problems, or to run an older SimConnect purely as a test of some function giving trouble in another add-on.
7. The order of initialisation actions in FSUIPC4 has been changed substantially in an attempt to try to avert the possibility of causing a loading problem with SimConnect, whether or not this is caused by Trust checking timing bugs. Furthermore, in order to allow changes to the timing to be tried, to avoid clashes with other competing SimConnect clients being loaded at the same time, a new parameter is added to the FSUIPC4.INI [General] section:
This can be set to a value from 0 to 120 to delay the actual linking to SimConnect by that number of seconds. Whether this actually helps is unknown at this time.
8. The setting of multiple visibility layers through the NWI has been rationalised, ensuring layers do not overlap.
Version 1.60 of WeatherSet2 can now set and ready multiple visibility layers.
9. These new FSUIPC-added controls are now available:
x1300zzzz Offset udword increment
x2300zzzz Offset udword decrement
x3300zzzz Offset sdword increment
x4300zzzz Offset sdword decrement
x5300zzzz Offset dword cyclic increment
x6300zzzz Offset dword cyclic decrement
As indicated by the "dword" part, these all operate of 32-bit Double Words (4 bytes). However, since both the increment and the limit (in the inc/limit parameter format) must fit into 32-bits, both parts are still limited to 16 bits each, making the maximum value for either 65535 (!). The range of numbers therefore fully handled is 0–65535 for unsigned numbers (U) and -32768 to +32767 for signed (S) numbers.
So, the main use is to make sure the upper 16 bits of the 32 are zero for positive numbers and all ones for negative numbers.
10. Weather reads from FSUIPC, when not met from the ASE/AS2012 link, are now always global (GLOB) weather when FSX is running in Global Weather Mode. This avoids the odd anomalies where it looks as if there is different weather at different locations when in fact there cannot be.
11. The process of killing and restarting Lua plug-in threads has been a little more foolproof, avoiding some other possible reasons for subsequent deadlocks at the cost of a little extra delay executing the reload.
12. Reading local gauge variables L:Vars) in Lua plug-ins has been made a lot more efficient by calling the appropriate FS functions directly in the Lua thread, rather than queuing the requests in the FS main thread. Originally the latter method was chosen on the assumption that the said functions were not programmed for re-entrant use, but recent testing seems to show that they are amenable to this treatment.
13. The GoFlight display facilities in the Lua gfd library has been changed to use standard string functions to write any digital displays, rather than the LED/LCD segment-setting functions. This is to get over a problem where the older firmware in some (and particularly the MCP, not the Pro) displays '0' for the correct segments for a '9' using the lower horizontal segment. (Apparently a simpler 9 using only 5 segmets would have worked).
This change has been tested on several display devices, but not all.

W10 ,ASUS-MAXIMUS-VI-HERO, i7-9700K - 3.6 GHz WC, 32 Go ram DDR4, RTX 3080, Quest 2 Air link

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#3 [↑][↓]  10-02-2012 23:32:08

Commandant de bord
Lieu: Salon de Provence
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2008
Renommée :   28 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...


WOW et bien ça c'est des explications et je t'en remercie encore mais je vais de ce pas me prendre un Aspro car j'ai la migraine ^^

Merci encore, Skull.

Intel Core I7-2600K OC @ 4.5 Ghz - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P  - 16 Go de G.Skill Sniper 8 Go (2x4Go) DDR3 1600 Mhz CL9 - ASUS GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 2 Go - 2 VelociRaptor 600 Go 3.5" SATA 6GB/s - 1 Caviar Black 1 To SATA 6GB/s - Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Titanium - Corsair Professional Serie Gold AX1200 - Corsair Hydro Serie H80 - Windows 7 SP3 64 bits - Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced -

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#4 [↑][↓]  10-02-2012 23:52:50

Lieu: LFEE
Date d'inscription: 05-09-2008
Renommée :   11 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

ha ha, oui effectivement ca pique aux yeux!

Tu trouveras un pdf dans le dossier modules de fsx, c'est là que tu trouves les améliorations par version

W10 ,ASUS-MAXIMUS-VI-HERO, i7-9700K - 3.6 GHz WC, 32 Go ram DDR4, RTX 3080, Quest 2 Air link

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#5 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 00:26:22

Nouveau pilote
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Lieu: KORF
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Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...


GeForce GTX 580 + Intel Core i7-2600K Unlocked + Hydro H100 + ASUS P8Z68 Deluxe + 16 Go Corsair Vengeance PC15000 DDR3 + 2 * SSD Crucial m4  128GB, SATA III + Win 7 64  Ultimate +Track ir 5 + GF-MCP + GF-LGT + 2*RP48 + 2*GF-46 + GF-P8 + Saitek PRO FLIGHT YOKE SYSTEM et RUDDER + CH PRODUCT MFP + Saitek P8000 + Vrinsight MCP COMBO et CDU PANEL

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#6 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 09:03:57

Commandant de bord
Lieu: Salon de Provence
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2008
Renommée :   28 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Salut Orphee,

Merci pour cette précision concernant le PDF, bonne journée ^^

Intel Core I7-2600K OC @ 4.5 Ghz - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P  - 16 Go de G.Skill Sniper 8 Go (2x4Go) DDR3 1600 Mhz CL9 - ASUS GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 2 Go - 2 VelociRaptor 600 Go 3.5" SATA 6GB/s - 1 Caviar Black 1 To SATA 6GB/s - Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Titanium - Corsair Professional Serie Gold AX1200 - Corsair Hydro Serie H80 - Windows 7 SP3 64 bits - Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced -

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#7 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 10:40:11

Michael Blackbird
Lieu: Pertuis (84)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2008
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Site web

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Merci pour l'info !!!

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#8 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 11:21:32

Lieu: LFEE
Date d'inscription: 05-09-2008
Renommée :   11 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

De rien!

W10 ,ASUS-MAXIMUS-VI-HERO, i7-9700K - 3.6 GHz WC, 32 Go ram DDR4, RTX 3080, Quest 2 Air link

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#9 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 19:18:31

Nouveau pilote
Date d'inscription: 09-04-2009
Renommée :   -2 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

bonjour a tous et merci pour l info jai la version pour fsx 4.70 cela veau la peine d installer la mise a jour!?cordialement.

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#10 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 21:34:55

Commandant de bord
Lieu: Salon de Provence
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2008
Renommée :   28 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Salut ^^

Je viens de regarder sur le HDD où mes sauvegardes de FSX sont bien au chaud (car pour le moment j'ai pas encore mon nouveau PC), la version que j'utilise est la 4.70.
En fait j'ai découvert FSUIPC en version 4.60 avec le "VRS Superbug" car FSUIPC est obligatoire pour cet addon et de toute façon il est maintenant conseillé voir même obligatoire de l'avoir sur son FSX.
Et naturellement j'étais passé à la version 4.70 donc il doit en être de même pour le 4.80 je suppose, je n'ai jamais eu la version payante juste une utilisation "free"...

@++ Skull

Dernière modification par Skulleader (11-02-2012 21:38:37)

Intel Core I7-2600K OC @ 4.5 Ghz - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P  - 16 Go de G.Skill Sniper 8 Go (2x4Go) DDR3 1600 Mhz CL9 - ASUS GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 2 Go - 2 VelociRaptor 600 Go 3.5" SATA 6GB/s - 1 Caviar Black 1 To SATA 6GB/s - Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Titanium - Corsair Professional Serie Gold AX1200 - Corsair Hydro Serie H80 - Windows 7 SP3 64 bits - Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced -

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#11 [↑][↓]  11-02-2012 22:10:08

Pilote Virtuel
Date d'inscription: 15-03-2008
Renommée :   17 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

ddgas a écrit:

bonjour a tous et merci pour l info jai la version pour fsx 4.70 cela veau la peine d installer la mise a jour!?cordialement.

Oui, comme ça tu seras sur de ne pas avoir râté certaines update de la 4.70 qui sont absolument fondamentales pour la stabilité de fsx

https://www.ivao.aero/data/images/awardsdiv/DD.gif https://www.ivao.aero/data/images/awardsdiv/DI.gif

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#12 [↑][↓]  12-02-2012 02:24:35

Commandant de bord
Lieu: Salon de Provence
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2008
Renommée :   28 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

Re ^^

Je viens de télécharger la dernière version comme ça je suis certain d'être à jour comme le précise si bien Zangdaarr...
Bon dimanche à tous ^^

Intel Core I7-2600K OC @ 4.5 Ghz - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P  - 16 Go de G.Skill Sniper 8 Go (2x4Go) DDR3 1600 Mhz CL9 - ASUS GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 2 Go - 2 VelociRaptor 600 Go 3.5" SATA 6GB/s - 1 Caviar Black 1 To SATA 6GB/s - Creative SoundBlaster X-FI Titanium - Corsair Professional Serie Gold AX1200 - Corsair Hydro Serie H80 - Windows 7 SP3 64 bits - Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced -

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#13 [↑][↓]  12-02-2012 09:42:42

Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

N'oublions pas au passage d'exprimer toute notre gratitude à Peter Dowson pour ce qu'on lui doit depuis maintenant si longtemps. Chapeau Mr. Peter Dowson. eusa_clap

L631 wink

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#14 [↑][↓]  12-02-2012 12:58:56

Nouveau pilote
Date d'inscription: 09-04-2009
Renommée :   -2 

Re: [FS9][FSX] Nouvelle version de FSUIPC pour FSX et FS9 dispo...

ok et merci zangdaarr je télécharge la nouvelle version . bon dimanche.

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