#1 [↑][↓]  24-09-2012 12:02:40

Pilote Virtuel
Lieu: Welkenraedt / Belgique
Date d'inscription: 17-03-2008

[FSX] Dino recrute ...

... avis aux intéressés :

"A SOUND SPECIALIST - The current Tomcat is using a quite good package from Aaron Swindle. I believe it is good, but it is a quite generic sound package for a military jet.
I'd need someone to develop a custom, authentic sound set for the Tomcat. I have no knowledge at all in this field, so I cannot provide any help or support.

A GAUGE/XML SPECIALIST (TBC) - I have plans to add a RIO cockpit (either from the initial release or as an update) but I will not have time to develop its "special" avionics (i.e. the radar functions). I'd need someone to develop custom XML gauges for the radar display in the RIO station"

C'est par ici : http://indiafoxtecho.blogspot.co.uk/201 … iting.html

@+ et bons vols.   Bigfart10 - Fabien

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#2 [↑][↓]  24-09-2012 18:18:33

Lieu: A deux pas de la ville rose
Date d'inscription: 29-05-2008
Renommée :   

Re: [FSX] Dino recrute ...

J'ai essayé d'apporter ma (modeste) contribution en lui indiquant le pack son "Tomcat the real deal" pat Chrsitopher Petersen dispo sur le site avsim.com.
En espérant que ça lui serve car il mérite vraiment qu'on l'aide...

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