#2 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Beyond ATC » 06-09-2024 13:15:37

Moi je l'utilise très souvent, soit quand je vole offline, ou même sous Vatsim quand il n'y a pas d'ATC, je le couple même avec FS2Crew en auto quand je fais du 737 ça marche du tonnerre et c'est tres immersif.

La reconnaissance vocale est assez bonne mais des fois oui il y a des ratés. N'oublions pas que c'est une early...

Fun fact, un jour j'ai repoussé en oubliant que j'avais BATC, le contrôleur m'a "gentiment" demandé de l'appeler au numero fourni...

Ah oui, fait important, ça fait un moment que je n'ai plus de voix premium, et bien les voix basiques passent TRES bien !

#3 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]MD-11 Freeze de l'avionique » 21-08-2024 16:45:27

Salut wink

Yup, dernière version ! Et je n'avais jamais eu ça avant, et d'ailleurs je ne l'ai plus eu depuis...

#4 ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]MD-11 Freeze de l'avionique » 20-08-2024 18:55:44

RĂ©ponses : 2

Bonsoir Ă  tous.

Lors d'un event recent sur Vatsim (Hong-Kong Overload) avec Fuchs, mon comparse, j'ai eu (en dernier virage pour la finale, vous noterez le chat noir) la surprise de constater que toute l'avionique du MD11 Tfdi avait freezé...Impossible de continuer, j'ai du déco', la mort dans l'âme.

J'aimerai savoir si vous avez déjà eu ce genre de comportement avec cet add-on ou dans Msfs? Parce que pour moi c'était la première fois et j'aimerai savoir si ça vient du simu ou de l'add-on...

Merci d'avance !

#5 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Fokker 28 de Justflight » 20-08-2024 05:36:03

Hello !

Une nouvelle maj arrive, au cas ou vous ne l'auriez pas vu et puisque je n'ai rien lu en ce sens...

Au programme, UNS-1/GPS (au choix) , mode V/S...et bien d'autres choses.


Vivement !

#6 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Bae 146 Justflight » 20-08-2024 05:17:33

Non seulement cet add-on est sublime mais il est dispo aujourd'hui avec l'UNS-1... Clairement un des meilleurs add-ons "liners" sous MSFS, avec une ambiance de malade Ă  bord.

#7 Les petites annonces » [Vendu]A vendre Honeycomb Alpha Yoke » 20-08-2024 05:04:38

RĂ©ponses : 0

Bonjour Ă  tous !

Suite à un changement de matériel je revends mon Yoke Honeycomb, le matériel a été bichonné et bien entretenu. Photos possibles bien sûr.

140€ + fdp, ou à récupérer dans la région d'Aix en Provence !

Bonne journée à tous


#8 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS2024]trailer 2 et date de sortie » 19-08-2024 09:37:42

lucky a Ă©crit :

(et franchement je n'ai pas envie de visiter le T2 de LFML en virtuel surtout si il ressemble vraiment au réel laugh )

Pour y bosser je ne peux que plussoyer laugh

Pour FS2024, c'est toujours pareil, le simu sera ce que l'utilisateur en fera, un simu HxC pour certains, un GTA pour d'autres.

Ceci étant dit, l'idée de pour voir être amener à l'avion en bus/van et de faire son walkaround ne me déplaît pas.

#9 Re : Technique & Optimisation » [MSFS] Rolling cache, CTD, SU 13 » 30-10-2023 16:47:16

Et bien on dirait que c'est Ă  mon tour de poster ...

Depuis 3 semaines j'ai des CTDs en pagaille (je n'en avais pas eu jusque lĂ ...)...

Ne sachant plus quoi faire j'ai reinstallé MSFS, et là avec in MSFS 100% neuf et un dossier Community 100% vide c'est exactement pareil. Impossible maintenant de lancer le mondre vol, ou ça plante au chargement du vol, ou ça plante 2 secondes apres etre dans le cockpit ou ça charge eternellement...Hier sur mon "vieux" MSFS j'ai pu lancer des vols mais à chaque fois, CTD apres 1h30 de vol...

-J'ai pensé que pouvait être du à un changement de langue pour installer FS2Crew...
-que ça venait de Couatl pour GSX
-que certains fichies etaient corrompus..

Mais lĂ  je seche, mon MSFS est en PLS et n'est plus utilisable du tout, c'est Ă  n'y rien comprendre.

#10 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Fokker 28 de Justflight » 20-10-2023 14:01:04

On est passé en 1.3 :

v1.3 (0.1.3) — 16/10/23

Left/Right autopilot oscillations when flying with no GNS530 selected – Fixed
ASI barber pole not calibrated at higher altitude – Fixed
Overspeed warning horn not calibrated with barber pole at higher altitudes – Fixed
Texture issue in Mk.2000 forward cabin – Fixed
Small model gap between the wing leading edge and fuselage fairing on the Mk.4000 starboard wing – Fixed
Incorrect Cabin Crew Panel “PHONE” switch animation on Mk.1000/Mk.2000/Mk.3000 - Fixed
Various Xbox compatibility improvements in preparation for PC and Xbox In-Game Marketplace release.
EFB error when importing a SimBrief flight plan with more than one alternate airport – Fixed
Reduced brightness of Autopilot buttons for better clarity at night.
Aircraft weight not decreasing on Digital Fuel Flow Indicator - Fixed
Inboard flap track fairing animation not animating on 3000 variant - Fixed
Various minor livery fixes
Operations Manual updated

#11 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Sim Works Studio Pilatus PC-12 » 17-10-2023 11:11:32

Les deux devs sont très bons, je n'ai aucun doute sur la qualité du futur PC-12, quand au TBM il est excellent...Moi je dirais qu'il faut prendre les deux laugh

#12 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Sim Works Studio Pilatus PC-12 » 16-10-2023 02:32:19

Last news de SimWorks:

"Time for what we hope will be the last update on the PC-12 before the release date announcement! Work on the aircraft is complete and everything handles and works like we want it to. Next week will be spent finalising things like icing, passengers & cargo in the cabin, cleaning up the code and making sure that the compatibility mods for PMS, TDS and Sky4Sim tablet are working and watertight. Finally, the plane will be sent for manufacturer review while we continue to rattle the wings off it in testing.

Also, we expect to start previewing the plane late next week."

ça arrive !


#13 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Sim Works Studio Pilatus PC-12 » 12-10-2023 07:40:52

Le 1 Octobre Gabriel Correia disait qu'on était plus ou moins à 2 semaines d'une éventuel release version, ça ne devrait donc pas trop tarder. Selon ses dires l'add-on sera vendu à +/- 30 euros.

Quelques screens

Pour ceux que ça intéresse, l'intérieur sera fidèlement reproduit suivant les différents operateurs des livrées présentes à la sortie de l'add-on, des screenshots sont visibles sur le Discord du dev.

#15 ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Ameliorations Ă  venir pour le superbe TBM 850 de BS » 11-10-2023 10:20:45

RĂ©ponses : 4

Reponse du dev sur un forum !

Improved sound - I am considering this for a future update. As the TBM 850 was originally conceived as another Steam Gauge Overhaul, all the sounds were done by the time we decided to make it a full aircraft. The Turbine Duke will require a suite of PT-6 sounds, so it will likely come after that. There are beta and reverse sounds in the current implementation, though.

Flying model - There will be a major update to this in the coming week. The current performance is within 2% of the book numbers, so this will be an update predominantly to the "feel" of the aircraft. The propeller torque will be increased. There should be no reason for a pitch change after takeoff, but I will look carefully for it today.

Better method of selecting reverse - The current method is used for every other aircraft I have ever tested for MSFS, which is the native reverse binding. If you have an idea for an improved system, I am all ears, and I can attempt to create it.

Better external lighting - I have increased the brightness of the exterior lights, and I have a new strobe system that I'm testing out that will necessitate turning them off when in low visibility. The new strobes are volumetric. The reason the landing light emissive mesh does not look excellent is a limitation of the renderer regarding small objects that are culled at greater viewing distances. If we find a solution for this, I will be the first one to include it.

Does the AMP metre work - This is one of the headlining features of Black Square aircraft. It very much works, and the current draw is calculated for every system on the aircraft, as well as the resulting heat. If the charging current is not significant after starting, it simply means you didn't drain the battery very much.

Is hypxo possible - This is something I have long wanted to implement. If you have an example aircraft for which this works in MSFS, please let me know so I can look into how the effect works!

Improved overhead back lighting - As far as I'm aware, there is no backlighting on the TBM 850's overhead panel, which differs from the later models. The overhead panel is illuminated by the post lights on the ceiling, which are controlled by the INST LIGHTING knob.

Exhaust to continue to shows signs of heat after shutdown - Do you mean the exhaust shimmering visual effect? This is theoretically possible, but it is a little above my current skills, as I believe the heat shimmer effects in MSFS are hardcoded.

Main door - This was done on purpose, unfortunately. I make very few compromises for realism in my aircraft, but I had images of how many streamers/YouTubers would not know this nuance, and think the pressurization system was non-functional because they did not properly latch the door.

Visible inflation of de-ice boots - Already done. Next update.

Headset plugin - This would require a custom sound set. I will look into this for a TBM update, and the Dukes.

Wheel chocks and covers - Wheel chocks are done, because they serve the purpose of keeping the aircraft still while the brakes are off. I will consider covers, as well.

Tray table and window blinds that function - This would take a significant change to the model, unfortunately. This was because of the Steam Gauge Overhaul origins of this aircraft, again. I will consider it, but I promise you a working table in the Duke.

Thank you for all the feedback! While I apologize that I cannot get to every request, I think you will be very happy with the next update this week. The changelog is already two pages long!

Hope that helps and answers all of your points.

Voila j'ai trouvé tout cela interessant. J'ajouterai qu'une tablette pour les cartes et pour le chargement de l'avion serait un plus.

#17 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]MAJ Bae 146 JF 0.1.1 » 06-10-2023 05:26:37

Une mise à jour des airacs pour le Bae146 via Navigraph Hub est dispo...ça sent la maj avec l'UNS-1 solv_gif

#21 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Fokker 28 de Justflight » 10-09-2023 12:27:17

Clairement c'est une réussite ! L'équipe est en plus très réactive, les bugs rapidement identifiés/corrigés...Pour ceux qui aiment, comme moi, tout faire, j'ai demandé si il serait possible de ne pas avoir de réglage auto pour les Index moteurs et pour les Speedcards, Martyn m'a répondu qu'il plaçait cette demande et qu'ils allaient l'étudier, plutôt cool :)

Air-Alpes, je presume que tu as repéré cette livrée ? Air Alpes livrée

#22 Re : Les petites annonces » VENDU [MULTI-SIMU]INNO3D RTX2080 Super Ă  vendre » 10-09-2023 09:58:55

Bonjour Marc, C'est une INNO3D, très exactement le modèle RTX2080 Super Jet, pour les caractéristiques, PCI-Express 16x, 8 Go GDDR6 smile

Pour MSFS, c'est une carte qui m'a permis de tourner sur un écran 55' en 4K, avec tous settings en High, sur du vol type Liner, sur de gros aéroports avec trafic. Pour le VFR c'est à l'aise...

#23 Les petites annonces » VENDU [MULTI-SIMU]INNO3D RTX2080 Super Ă  vendre » 09-09-2023 11:47:55

RĂ©ponses : 2

Bonjour Ă  tous !

Ayant changé récemment de CG, je revends ma RTX2080 Super, je la fait partir à 200€ hors FDP :).

#24 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]MAJ Bae 146 JF 0.1.1 » 09-09-2023 11:02:45

Fuchs a Ă©crit :

ahhh enfin, il Ă©tait temps que l'UNS-1 arrive!!
En espérant qu'ils y aient mis autant de soins que pour le F-28 :)

Bah honnêtement, vu la qualité du Bae je ne me fais aucun soucis :)

#25 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Fokker 28 de Justflight » 09-09-2023 10:13:11

C'est étonnant de ne pas entendre "plus de bruit" à propos de ce superbe add-on, qui propulse de façon définitive, apres leur fantastique Bae, JustFlight, dans la cour des grands !

Il est tout simplement SUPERBE !

Il a d'ailleurs été mis à jour en 1.2 !

Completely reworked flight control system to provide an even deeper level of simulation. Features include:

Fully simulated First Mode, Second Mode and Third Mode operation of all flying control surfaces.
Alternate controls for the flaps and stabilisers which operate at the correct speed and with an accurate electrical power drain.
Realistic simulation of hydraulic accumulators as such that once hydraulic power is lost, certain flying controls can only be operated once before hydraulic accumulator pressure is drained (for example, speedbrakes can only be extended or retracted once on accumulator pressure).
Accurate feel when a flying control surface has hydraulic power removed. Elevator is 4x harder to operate with no hydraulic pressure and the efficacy and force required to move the ailerons and rudder various with indicated air speed.
Improved Liftdumper operation including improve deployment and retraction logic and increased drag when deployed. Once deployed, liftdumpers can now only be retracted if disarmed or if throttles are advanced beyond 75% HP rpm. The liftdumper lever can now also be controlled using the default MSFS reverse thrust control assignments THROTTLE CUT and DECREASE THROTTLE (F1 and F2 keys on a keyboard).
Improved speedbrake “blow back” feature for more effective speedbrake behaviour above 190 knots.
Completely reworked landing gear and nose wheel steering systems. Features include:

Improvements to alternate gear extension logic. Landing gear doors now need to be manually closed using a winch control on the EFB after an alternate extension. The control will appear automatically on the AIRCRAFT page after an alternate extension.
Brakes now work for a limited time on hydraulic accumulator pressure after a hydraulic system failure.
Nose wheel steering system re-coded from the ground up for a much-improved nose wheel steering behaviour when using the tiller.
Rudder is now compatible with default Xbox Controller control assignments.
Added TOGGLE GPWS control assignment to control U/C HORN SILENCER button.
New additions and improvements to the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB):

“Auto Jetway” EFB option added to toggle the automatic jetway connection when converting the passenger door into a jetway configuration (GSX users may wish to set this to OFF if you experience a conflict with the GSX jetways)
“TO Thrust Light” EFB option added to toggle logic that will illuminate the NAV Transfer Failure light on the glareshield when the throttles are in the detent position.
EFB configuration options not being saved over multiple flights – fixed
EFB bug when manually entering a ZFW and pressing “Enter” would cause the ZFW weight to differ from the inputted value - fixed
EFB AIRCRAFT page resets to full brightness when closed and reopened - fixed
Random weight button on EFB could set weights that were greater than the maximum possible weight in each cargo hold – fixed
Aircraft state saving logic only saving the aircraft’s state on the flight it is enabled on – fixed
Added landing gear door winch controls to close the landing gear doors after an alternate landing gear extension.
Various logic improvements to the Digital Fuel Flow Display:

RAMP weight displayed on the Digital Fuel Flow Display can now be adjusted using the SET WT knob. The RAMP weight will automatically be set to match the actual aircraft weight when loading into the aircraft, and can then be manually adjusting. If a significant change is made to the aircraft weight on the EFB, then the RAMP weight will automatically resync to the new weight.
Pressing the RAMP or CONS buttons will now hold the respective information on the top display until the other button is pressed.
TEST I and TEST II are now more accurately following the test procedure in the manual.
And even more new features, improvements and fixes:

New F28 Mk.1000 Braathens S.A.F.E livery added
New F28 Mk.4000 Linjeflyg livery added
Completely reworked model and texturing of the cabin crew panels in the forward galley.
With the AUTO CABIN CREW option enabled on the EFB, random CABIN and TOILET calls from the passengers will be triggered and later cancelled by the crew automatically throughout the climb, cruise and descent phases of flight, whenever the seat belt signs are switched off. These calls are indicated by the illumination of the associated lights on the forward galley stewardess panel as well as audible chimes. CABIN calls can also be disabled by pulling any of the “Reading Lights” circuit breakers on the lower cabin crew panel, and TOILET calls by disabled by pulling the “Toilet” circuit breaker.
Forward galley stewardess panel backlighting is now affected by the stewardess panel circuit breakers.
Improved autopilot PITCH and ROLL engagement behaviour to reduce the tendency for the nose to dip slightly upon autopilot engagement.
Improved autopilot IAS mode engagement behaviour to reduce the tendency for the nose to dip slightly upon IAS mode engagement.
Improvements to IAS mode behaviour when changing target altitude during altitude capture sequence. The autopilot can now detect and react to a change in selected altitude during the altitude capture sequence.
Various improvements to the stabiliser trim to fix an issue where flying the aircraft near its centre of gravity limits could cause a runaway trim issue and an uncommanded descent.
Fixed bug where engaging the autopilot on the ground prior to flight would cause PITCH mode issue when the autopilot is engaged in flight
Autopilot PITCH and trim issues which could cause a runaway trim situation in certain weight and balance configurations - fixed
Aggressive autopilot PITCH mode engagement on second flight of a session – fixed
Improved autopilot behaviour when capturing an altitude to reduce the likelihood of pitch oscillations when flying the aircraft at low MTOW configurations with no GPS selected. In certain edge cases, the aircraft may still experience some pitch oscillations when no GPS is selected, which can be nullified by applying gentle opposite pressure on the yoke. We are continuing to investigate this.
VOR and ILS test functionality – added
Completely reworked GS MAN flight director code to work around conflicts when flying an ILS approach with the Working Title GNS530 selected.
Various other Working Title GNS530 conflicts with autopilot and flight director systems - fixed
ADF tuning would sometimes increase/decrease in 0.4KHz intervals – fixed
Top and Bottom beacon lights cannot be controlled individually - fixed
Detent animation added to the left hand throttle.
Logo lights now automatically switch off when the aircraft is airborne and the flaps are selected UP.
Utility System hydraulic pumps logic – improved
Flight Control System hydraulic pumps logic – improved
Hydraulic system flight control panel logic – improved
Hydraulic LOW TANK PRESS caution lights overly sensitive and should not illuminate during normal operation - fixed
Minor livery bugs – fixed
GPWS glideslope warning logic improved at lower altitudes. The glideslope warning will no longer play when the aircraft is below 300ft AGL.
Glideslope indications reversed when capturing an ILS with the VHF NAV 2 radio – fixed
Landing light LVAR is permanently ON causing complications when using the F28 Professional with virtual airlines’ – Fixed
Fuel low pressuring lights logic - improved
Fuel crossfeed pre-flight check logic – improved
Improved fuel flow logic in the centre tank to ensure the PUMP CENTRE TANK lights briefly illuminate whilst fuel pressure builds.
Outside Air Temperature Gauge scale inaccuracies – fixed
First Officer Progress Annunciator test not illuminating amber GPS annunciator – fixed
PITCH command tooltip showing reversed angle – fixed
Collins IND-40 digital DME display showing actual ground speed rather than slat range rate – fixed
Flight director and heading bug visibility at night – improved
Flaps gauge animation range increased to improve accuracy when the gauge is not supplied with electrical power.
Speedbrakes gauge animation range increased to improve accuracy when the gauge is not supplied with electrical power.
Speedbrake gauge animation range increased to improve accuracy when the gauge is not supplied with electrical power.
Added support for CENTRE AILER RUDDER control assignment.
Reduced overall brightness of cabin lights.
Reduced overall brightness of cockpit DOME and STORM lights.
Engine ignition system and igniter lights logic – improved
Added a few second delay between opening the fuel fire shutoff guard and the engine shutting down to simulate the engine consuming the fuel remaining in the fuel lines between the valve and the engine.
Altimeter knob animation issue – fixed
Radio altimeter logic does not reset after landing, causing radio altimeter alerts to play during climb out of the second flight in a session – fixed
Improved GPWS alert logic during flaps 25 approaches. The correct GPWS callouts now play and at the correct times whenever the GPW override switches are in the down position with guards closed.
Added support for AILERON LEFT (ROLL LEFT) and AILERON RIGHT (ROLL RIGHT) control assignment to fix issue where keyboard users were not able to roll the aircraft.
APU START button rotation animation and dimming function removed to reflect the button in real aircraft.
Missing flight attendant callouts when toggling the fasten seatbelts switch – fixed
Pilot callouts better optimised for headset simulation.
Aircraft warnings better optimised for headset simulation.
Added diminishing jet whine with altitude.
Buffeting/overspeed sounds playing at speeds slightly lower than the barber pole at low altitudes – fixed
Model gap between boundary layer fence and wing lead edge – fixed
Black line visible around the centre of the fuselage when moving your camera away from the aircraft – fixed
Adjusted position of wingtip static wick on 1000/2000 based on newly discovered reference material.
Glass domes added to magnetic indicators on overhead panel and magnetic indicator emissive texture tweaked.
Updated 8K texture set (IMPORTANT! If using the 8K texture set you first must update the F28 followed by the 8K texture set in order for the textures to display correctly)
“Course Bar Active” callout triggers adjusted. The callout will now only trigger once the course bar is moving across the HSI.
“Localiser” and “Glideslope” callout triggers adjusted. Both of these callouts now correctly play as cautionary callouts and will only trigger if the aircraft deviates 1 dot left/right of the localiser, or 1 dot up/down of the glideslope after intercept has occurred.
Constant Speed Drive indicators not illuminated with engines shutdown – fixed
Cabin crew announcements are not audible in the aft cabin – fixed
MSFS automatic copilot would turn on cockpit air instead of cabin air during the pre-flight check cockpit checklist – fixed
MSFS automatic copilot would not press the RESET button on the hydraulic system flight control panel during the after starting checklist – fixed
Dome/Storm light can now be controlled using the PEDESTAL LIGHT control assignment.
Various main menu updates (thumbnails updated to reflect livery fixes, airline naming updated to reflect correct spelling on liveries, content manager thumbnail updated).
Updated operations manual
Updated EFB manual

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