Vous n'êtes pas identifié(e).
The F-86 is not, at present, compatible (or even allowed) in P3D.
We will be coming out with an upgrade package for this soon but no date yet.
Ah.. sorry... j'ai mal compris. Mon francais parler, c'est pa mal... mais lu (et ecrit) c'est horrible..
Les sons ne sont pas faites de tout... C'est les sons defaux. (default aircraft).
The materials in the VC are probably mipped still. either way, no materials (shine/no shine/plastic/metal) are done... out or in. Not final anyway.
There are many parts (prop discs are one) that are still going through multiple iterations and fixes.
The idea of "wasting" time putting out another paint job is... well.. silly! There is a paint kit and a paint model out already!
Anyway... we're going as fast as we can!
send me a PM with your email (and proof of purchase to be sure...)
Si vouz n'avez pas recu votre lien, et vous avez payez... envoie moi une email avec votre preuve et je vous arrangerait le liens.
Sorry for my french but...
Check your PM. Ton email rebondisse..
Juste pour dire, les texture(s) externelles (et dans le VC) ne sont pas encore faite. On a pas encore faites le look "gloss metal"...
Ferme le GPS.
On vient juste de sortir le B-55 pour P3D v2.2. Le produit est maintenant supporter "native" dans cette sim.
(sorry about my french).
Vous pouvez faires une upgrade pour pas cher (9.99USD) et, si tu ne l'as pas deja, c'est le meme prix que pour le version FSX.
Merci de votre attention!
The manual is available off the site. Check.
On va envoyer les liens a tous les acheteurs demain.
Il faut dire que... ca va pas etre un PMDG parce que il n'y'a pas de "glass"
Et, en plus, n'oubli pas que, depuis des annees, nous (les devs) ajoute de plus en plus (de qualite et des choses nouveau) mais les prix restes la meme... Et meme, on a des plaintes que c'est trop cher...
Comme toutes les affaires que tu achete, les prix augmentes parceque nos couts augments. Si on laisse nos prix la meme comme il y a 4 ans... on pourrait jamais continuer...
So, je m'excuse mais les prix sont fair. mais vraiment fair.
Si je comprends bien, le A2A est canceller...
Juste pour vous dire que...
(les photo's sont pas encore la... j'y vais faire ca aujourdhi..)
The Kingair paintkit has been released. Note... the following are the caveats for usage of this product:
1) There is no gear, no vc and no proper sounds.
2) This is NOT a beta and should not be considered as such
3) This is not an easy paint kit. A newer version of Photoshop is required..
4) any and all repaints MAY be chosen to be used in the final product with or without consent of the maker. We will, absolutely, give credit where credit is due.
LINK: www.milviz.com/filesfordownload/MV_KingAir_350i_Paintkit.zip
Due to my horrible french, I'm writing this in English...
Right... I am presently uploading the MV F-4E/J/S Paint kit. There are some caveats so it would behoove you to read the readme.txt.
I post it here for your perusal.
Hi all,
Welcome to the MV F-4 repaint kit.
Several caveats:
1) any repaint that is done prior to release using this paint kit or the model... is subject to our inclusion in the release package. We may (or may not) ask for your permission to do so but, either way, we will include your name(s) in with the release so as to make sure you get credit.
2) you are NOT allowed to charge for these repaints at any time.
3) you are NOT allowed to use the model for anything but repainting.
4) The plane has no gear, no VC and is soundless and flies like a Cessna for the moment.
5) It is NOT optimized nor MP capable.
6) The Paint kit is hard to use if you are not experienced.
7) You must have Photoshop to use it.
8) We have included two base liveries: J and E
9) We have included the dirt layers so that you may have clean or dirty planes. You may also increase the dirt level.
10) We have included the pylon, fuel tanks and napalm tank psd's as well.
11) The F-4J pylon is shaped differently but uses the same psd as the E.
12) The F-4J livery uses an extra PSD (ext_12) that is not used by the E.
13) The model is pretty much complete so there will (probably) be no changes.
14) This is NOT a beta test model. There is NO real functionality.
15) The model has no bumps/normals or speculars applied. (yet)
We will absolutely not respond to any queries about why this and why that...
If you agree and understand all of the above, you may download it here... Note: the file is 540 megs.
MV F-4E Phantom II: What's in, what's not and how we're going to work it...
1. Tacpack. It will NOT be in the initial release. The reason for this is that even though the F-4E that we're doing is fairly old school, there's still a LOT of coding for weapons/radar/RWR that needs to happen. It will be released when it's ready and it will be as an addon pack to the original release. You will absolutely need to have a valid MV F-4E to purchase and use the TP addon. VRS has been busy modelling and painting the weapons that will be in this baby and that's why we've not been able to show them
2. We will not be including a functional radar set in the initial release. None of the weapons/radar/rwr panels will function either. This is due to the fact that we will be doing TP and we do not wish to duplicate our work. We do intend to have the LCOS (HUD) and the gun pipper (and possibly the gun) working. Jettison will also work.
3. We will be including a low rez/low poly model set for use in MP. This will be released shortly after initial release at no charge.
4. The product will be shared cockpit and MP capable. There may be some issues with this due to code restrictions.
5. The manual will be the original, actual manual. We do plan on doing a checklist for startup and shutdown as well as basic operations.
6. We will be doing video tutorials for startup, shutdown and basic use.
7. The initial release will contain slatted and un-slatted versions. We will try and include the original gun nose as well.
8. The product will come with a variety of paints but we're not sure how many or even which ones.
9. Paint kit(s) will be released on product release.
10. The product includes a load-out menu that contains LOTS of weapons and pods... Almost all of these are circa 1967-73.
11. We plan on having at least two addons other than the TP addon. These will consist of a weapons pack (many are not included in the initial release such as retarded bombs, Mavericks etc) and a F-4J/S external model (only). The F-4J/S will be released probably at the same time. (probably)
12. Price is uncertain but it will deffo be higher than 40 but lower than 60.
13. Release date... right now, we're at an advanced alpha state. We intend to do the pre-order at beta. Release will come after all or most of the bugs are dead.
14. FPS is right now about 40 to 50 fps (VC) on this system: Intel Core i5-3570K BX80637i53570K Processor - Quad Core, 6MB L3 Cache, 3.40GHz 3.80GHz Max Turbo & PNY GeForce GTX 770 4GB GDDR5 Overclocked
15. We are considering limiting the sale of this item to our site alone.
16. We will be, of course, doing a pre-order. If you purchase the pre-order, you will be included in the beta stream but will not need to test. You will also pay slightly less.
Le CD est mal faite. Just Flight a refaite l'installateur et ils l'ont casser (excuse my french).
SVP, contactez moi avec un photo de ta boite et ta main et je vais vous envoyer une nouvelle update.
colin at milviz dot com.
Si tu a fait le pre-commande et n'as pas encore recu cette mail, contactez nous (colin at milviz dot com) et on va occupez de vous.
(sorry for my french...)
Excuse moi... c'est en anglais!
The MV 737-200c is now not only on sale direct from MV but... SP3 IS NOW AVAILABLE! (we are in the process of sending out the mails folks... patience please!)
Customers who purchased from our website using F1 can download the file now (it's ready!). Simmarket customers can do that from there tmrw or the day after.
Direct customers should already have the mail. If not, please contact us directly (email) and we will fix you up.
1. Updated License.txt per Colin's request.
1. Fixed FD lights to extingush if battery is offline
2. New SP177 logic
3. Improved DX Night Lighting
4. Improved ACM module
5. Fixed AutoBrake system
6. Fixed XML scripting errors reported by ContentErrorLog.txt
7. Updated the sound module to remove GaugeSound.dll dependency
8. Fixed Flaps 1 needle
9. many fixes internal to the AP, AB and AT systems
Outbound radials are not fixed. It's possible they never will be. Apologies.
La voila...
Ben la... Vous ne regarder pas a la bonne place.
Le liveries n'as pas de installer qui a besoin de fermer vos anti-virus. C'est un peut plus en bas, pret de le manuelle et la paint kit.
Vous cliquer et c'est tous.
Vraiment... J'aurait penser un peut plus d'intelligence.
Svp excuse mon francais tres horrible....
Tu n'est pas le seul...
Vous avez raison apropos de la police. On va la changer.
C'est confirmer que c'est un 350 steam et un 350i.
Pas de date de release. Sorry
No Accusim. We're not mechanics. We're pilots.
Hot starts and engine failures will be modeled.
Icing, rain and such will be modeled and have an effect on flight dynamics.