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Bonsoir a tous,
Il ne me semble pas que l'info a ete relayée ici mais voici un petit programme (qui date de Juillet 2007!) dont nos amis d'en face parlent, et qui fait pour le X ce que F1 view nous propose sous FS9.
Télécharge mais pas encore teste.
"This program is a very basic tool that implements mouse-based panning and eyepoint adjustments, including the ability to move your eyepoint beyond the limits imposed by Flight Simulator X . New: improved swivel of the camera, all inputs are realized with callback functions (low level), the performance of the FSX isn't reduced, improved stability, new parameter in the wheelcam.ini for the mouse sensitivity in spot views, some error corrections."
W7 64, Q6600, Asus P5N32-e-plus, XFX8800GT,2X2Gb PC6400 Corsair, Viewsonic 22''+LG 20"- FS9.1, FSXSp2 - CH Yoke & Quadrant + Saitek rudder+MCP Combo VrInsight.
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