#1 [↑][↓] 13-08-2013 10:34:52

Inscription : 05-02-2011

OZx forum

J'ai reçu un appel à donation auquel je viens de donner suite.

Connaissant JK, je pense qu'il n'a pas  rédigé son message sans y être contraint.
C'est bien triste.

Je suis certain ne pas être le seul membre de Pilote Virtuel à participer.

Mes excuses à Yann s'il désapprouve.

Dernière modification par Phaéton (13-08-2013 15:32:28)

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#2 [↑][↓] 13-08-2013 10:46:19

Inscription : 05-02-2011

Re : OZx forum

Pour que les non membres d'OZ forum puissent comprendre de quoi il s"agit, je reproduis le message de JK.
Je renouvelle mes excuses à Yann.

  ".... I realise I asked you in May for a donation towards future bills of OZx and the response was amazing, the money collected from that will be able to pay for addons and the new server as it was needed but, there is a problem. Unfortunately I have lost my well paying job with a major IT company due to outsourcing, I and so many others with me were out on the street in less than 30 minutes on August 7th, 2013. I always have paid the main monthly fee for the high end server OZx runs on out of my own pocket but I cannot afford to do that as of next month, so rather than cutting it fine asking the community to help me out here just before money runs out, I am doing it early so I can guarantee OZx's future. This fee is $310USD and it will be unaffordable for me next month to be able to pay that. Even if you have a few bucks to spare, follow the link below to donate: http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1332 That link will take you to the flightsimstore.com which is the site that takes care of all donations for OZx. I feel very awkward asking you for help but as said, to guarantee future operations of OZx it is a necessity. All money will remain in the account for use on OZx bills and costs for future purposes. That way I do not need to worry about OZx while I am looking for a new job Thank you for your attention to this email. If you feel this was a spam attempt, be assured it is not. With warm regards, Jay Kae OZx Admin"

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