#26 [↑][↓]  10-04-2008 15:02:54

Pilote Virtuel
Membre donateur
Lieu: Edmonton CYEG, Alberta, Canada
Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008
Renommée :   25 

Re: [FS9] Balade dans les grands espaces - Les aventures de Jack Bush

Merci aprimatic.


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#27 [↑][↓]  13-04-2008 05:37:38

Pilote Virtuel
Membre donateur
Lieu: Edmonton CYEG, Alberta, Canada
Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008
Renommée :   25 

Re: [FS9] Balade dans les grands espaces - Les aventures de Jack Bush

Salut Aprimatic!
Après test, en fait mon prebleme concerne uniquement la saison Hiver et printemps. C'est lors du chargement du relief. Bizarre non! Je vais voir le forum.



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#28 [↑][↓]  13-04-2008 11:22:39

Lieu: Montréal, Qc
Date d'inscription: 15-03-2008
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Re: [FS9] Balade dans les grands espaces - Les aventures de Jack Bush

Salut Flighty

J'ai fait le test sur mon installation ce matin pour voir, et aucun souci ni en hiver, ni au printemps. J'espère que tu trouveras les réponses à tes questions sur le forum officiel, afin que tu puisses profiter de la région.

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#29 [↑][↓]  13-04-2008 18:07:23

Pilote Virtuel
Membre donateur
Lieu: Edmonton CYEG, Alberta, Canada
Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008
Renommée :   25 

Re: [FS9] Balade dans les grands espaces - Les aventures de Jack Bush

J'ai deja ecrit, et meme m'inscrti auprès du forum et Holger m'a repondu sans délai. Il ne me reste qu'appliquer ses suggestions.

Hi guys I'm brand new here!

I got some troubles when loading Tongass as metionned above. The scenery works well only Summer and fall (day time and night). Winter and spring got crazy.
This issue is related to PASI only. The rest of the bundle work fine. My FS9 crashes during reliefs loading at 51%. Do you have any idea about where it is from?

Sp1, and sp2 installed. also iceberg replacement.

Thanks in advance.


Reponse: Hi Flighty,

welcome to Tongass!

Unfortunately, FS2004 is very unforgiving when it comes to ground textures; if only one is missing or somehow corrupted the sim will crash to desktop. The fact that you're having CTDs at between 40-60% of loading and that it's seasonal indicates that this is the issue you're having.

While it is possible that something may be wrong with your Tongass installation itself it's more likely that the problem is with the default textures located in \Scenery\World\texture. Tongass references quite a few of these and some of them are hardly ever used in the default world. Thus, you may not notice elsewhere that you have a problem with the default folder but Tongass acts as a trigger.

What to do? A couple of options:

1. you could try a re-installation of Tongass to check whether the issue may have been with Tongass itself; like I said though, this is unlikely to be the cause

2. if you're using the Silver Wings texture replacement set try downloading the patch for a corrupt textures and follow the included instructions: http://hsandmann.com/files/patches/SWCR ... TD_fix.zip. Unlikely, though, since your problem is in spring and winter.

3. rename your current texture folder in \Scenery\World to "texture.bak" and copy the original texture folder from your FS9 disk 4 in its stead. If this makes the crashes disappear copy and paste the entire content of the texture.bak folder into the new texture folder overwriting when asked. Keep your fingers crossed that the crashes are fixed; if yes you can delete the "texture.bak" folder. If not, we'll take it from there.

Good luck and let us know how things are going!

Cheers, Holger

Comme tu vois, j'ai de quoi à m'occuper d'ici là.



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