#1 [↑][↓]  10-06-2012 12:27:34

Lieu: Loc Maria Plouzane (29)
Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008
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[FSX][FS9] iFly to Fsuipc version 2 (sortie)

Bonjour à tous

Pour ceux qui utilise l'exellent iFly to FSUIPC de "Jouni"
pour programmer leurs peripheriques (joystick et autres)
Jouni vient de sortir une nouvelle version suite à l'evolution de l'avion.
Extrait du forum iFly


As Feature Pack versions of iFly is started to roll i'm happy to announce that as soon as all versions are out and we have tested that new iflytofsuipc works with all of those it will be published via flight1 library.

What you can expect from new iflytofsuipc:
- faster inputs
- configurable polling timer
- new offsets for most important rotaries
- new offsets for requested features
- configurable startup so that if all ok the fsuipc will not get focus from FS
- rewritten manual


Un ancien sous-marinier qui à pris de la hauteur.

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