#2 Re : Vos créations de scènes, textures, avions, missions » [P3D] [FSX] RFN - Support » 31-07-2016 21:23:11

I'm still looking for an as350 eccureuil model, the super puma and the bell jet ranger.

#3 Re : Vos créations de scènes, textures, avions, missions » [P3D] [FSX] RFN - Support » 31-07-2016 21:21:00

I've sent a message to the UKMIL group asking permition to use their UKMIL seaking helicopter on the project, and i found only one static a-4 skyhawk model on Sim Outhouse, but not found the autor of the model. I

#4 Re : Vos créations de scènes, textures, avions, missions » [P3D] [FSX] RFN - Support » 22-07-2016 00:16:21

Hello gentlemen, my name is Michel de Souza, from Brazil, im happy to join you on this forum and have a request but don't know where to do it. The royale French Navy made an awesome job with the R99 foch and i want to ask if someone can made some changes on it, to look like the brazilian A-12 São Paulo, i mean, change the etendard, crusaders and alize for the A-4 skyhawks fighter jets, super puma and eccureuil helicopters on the flight deck and a eccureuil acting as a pedro helicopter flying on the side of the carrier. Thanks a lot

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