#1 [↑][↓] 26-07-2020 11:36:13

Lieu : LFCS ou SAZM selon la saison
Inscription : 27-11-2008
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Mise à jour importante annoncée our AFS2


Pour info : une mise à jour importante annoncée pour AFS2 :

Dear Aerofly FS Community,

We're happy to announce that a new major update with a new helicopter and a new and improved navigation is coming soon.

- Brand new Eurocopter EC135 twin turbo-shaft helicopter will be added to the Aerofly FS base, free for existing customers.

- You will now be able to pick cold and dark aircraft configurations at the parking positions in our new implementation of the location menu. You can now also zoom in much closer on the map to select start positions directly on the map.

- We completely re-coded the navigation code to better simulate the complex navigation instruments in the airliners and to offer more options including the selection of full departures, arrivals and approaches (SIDs and STARs) .

- New implementation of the navigation menu, for faster and more intuitive route creation. Now more powerful than ever, allowing you to create a realistic flight plan using the new departure, arrival and approach procedures with just a few clicks.

- Modification to the multi threading code to speed up scenery loading. Program startup and scenery loading during simulation should be a lot faster if you have a CPU with 4 or more cores.

- For better startup time all scenery folders have been renamed so we can avoid loading all scenery TSC files during program start. Instead we now scan the scenery folder names for ICAO codes or longitude/latitude coordinates and check them against our global airport database. The TSC files are then only loaded when the aircraft is near that airport or scenery and no longer during each startup. This should not affect user generated sceneries. But if you have a lot of user created scenery then startup time can only improve if you change your user scenery folders to this new naming convention. It would be great if scenery developers could please migrate to this new approach so that Aerofly FS can stay super fast even with a lot of user scenery installed.

CPU i7 8700K 3.7 GHz, 32 Go RAM DDR4 2400 MHz, Win 11 sur SSD 240 Go, RTX 4060 Ti 8 Go, Driver 566.14, résolution 1920x1080, casque VR Oculus Quest 2 avec câble Link Oculus, MSFS 2020 désinstallé, MSFS 2024 Aviator version Xbox Store installé sur SDD NVMe interne, XP12 sur SSB externe NVMe USB 3.2, AFS4, FSX, FS9, Condor 2 et 3, connexion Internet 250 Mbits/s

En ligne

#2 [↑][↓] 27-07-2020 08:23:28

Inscription : 24-02-2012

Re : Mise à jour importante annoncée our AFS2

C'est bien d'avoir enfin quelque chose de neuf à se mettre sous la dent !
En plus c'est gratuit wink
Il faut vraiment redire haut et fort qu'Aerofly devient un must pour les pilotes d'hélico : le réalisme du comportement de vol du R22 est vraiment très très bon (même si mon expérience réel est plus forte sur hughes 300 et Alouette)
j'ai hâte de tester cet Eurocopter !
Et puis le pack d'aéroports pour la région Parisenne de FranceVFR ne serait tarder .
Que du bon.

Dernière modification par Barnstormer (27-07-2020 08:23:53)

Simu VR VARJO AERO, i5 13600K, RTX4070Ti Super 16Go, 32Giga ddr4, SSD 2To, HDD 14To
Plateforme DOFreality Hero 2/FFB Moza/Buttkicker/SimHaptic/SRS "Hurricane" Power Wind kit
Principalement ... Je ne sais plus mais en VR !
Pilote ppl avion/p. train classique/p. avion ancien/p. voltige 1/2 cycle/p. planeur/p. ULM .

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