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Savez vous ce qu'apporte la dernière toute petite mise à jour de DCS, je ne retrouve pas le change log
si j'ai trouvé :
DCS Stable version
DCS World
Ingame UI. Added Messages History function for radio messages and texts.
Fixed 052C HHQ-9 behaviors
Fixed 052C HHQ-9 ammo capacity
Fixed C701 range
Updated C802AK scheme
Screen flickers black in some cases - fixed
Fixed crash that appeared on the air tanker in some cases.
Fixed crash that appeared on ATC in some cases.
Aircraft AI hangs and slides on high AoA - fixed.
JDAM will override unacceptable terminal heading.
Aircraft AI. Escort task. Escorts punctually pitch up or down during their task - fixed.
Engage distance with search then engage task ignores the distance from waypoint task was assigned on
ME. Scripting. Added Trigger Effect Smoke Stop.
A-10C, F-16C LMFCD + Camera + RMFCD - Displays freeze if not in F1 view - fixed.
Aircraft AI now only pop flares when threatened by planes able to carry missiles.
Aircraft AI. Added C-47 cargo plane.
AFAC task. AI aircraft with an AFAK mission will now be able to attack targets with combat weapons, not only markers.
Added CAS task for MQ-1 Predator.
MP. P-51, TF-51. Added animation of cowls of coolant system on the clients.
AI wingmen don't copy flight leader Formation lights status (planes only) - fixed.
Helicopter AI. Fixed some bugs leads to helicopter AIs hitting the ground during maneuvering and colliding during flight.
Aircraft AI. Heavy aircraft can now be set in one flight up to 4.
Aircraft AI. B-17 in WW2 formation - warping and losing formation positions - fixed.
Aircraft AI. Aircraft Won't Dive Bomb when direction set - fixed.
Aircraft AI. F-16 cannot refuel whenever the tanker is turning - fixed.
Helicopter AIs are unable to lift cargos from ships - fixed.
Sound update for sonic boom (medium distant added).
Kh-31 missile. Added realistic ramjet model and flight data.
AI aircraft. AI does not use AGM-62 at max range - fixed.
AI aircraft. AI aircraft with CAS task do not follow the desired ammo quantity release - fixed.
AI A-20G added Anti-ship strike task.
AI aircraft. JSOW gets stuck when launched from F-16 - fixed.
AI aircraft. AV-8B Harrier AI takeoff issues - heavy harrier tuned, short take off procedure implemented.
VR. Added free cam mode.
Resource manager. More meaningful warehouse transfer messages added.
Voice chat. Radio. Correctly reset radio options when changing the cockpit with HOT MIC is On.
Voice chat. Radio. Added setting to allow using extra radios on a server
Voice Chat. Extra radios added to the integrated radio box.
Fixed issue with crash reporting in some cases.
Corrected a mistake in the Russian translation of the name of R-60M on APU-60-1M.
Fixed CTDs when using Damascus VOR-ILS.
Network protocol version increased to avoid crashes connected to weapons in flight during joining of clients.
DCS F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Added DTOS Bombing Mode
Added ALQ-184 Long Pod
Fixed: Crash on cockpit:
Fixed: Markpoint FCR Mode
Fixed: AG radar scale arrows disappear after switching from A-G to DGFT override and back
Fixed: Wing tanks contain fuel even with wings ripped off
Fixed: A-A targets bugged in RWS SAM don't appear on the HSD
Added input, corrected clickable hints for ECM Pod control panel
Fixed: TDC in Mark point mode can be broken
Fixed: MAV Keyhole remains on target after last MAV has been fired
Fixed: Markpoint TGP Mode
Fixed: HMCS markpoint indication missed in NAV
Fixed: SEAD DED page closes when TMS right to cycle HAD targets
Fixed: ACM Slew Mode Elevation Error
Fixed: CMDS SEMI/AUTO inhibits manual dispensing (incl. slap switch) when expendable is in bingo quantity
Fixed: Radar pointer keeps moving on SOI switch
DCS F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
Added a separate function for the switch of Launch Bar
Fixed: Mav undesignate
Fixed: No autostart possible with NVGs
Fixed: GRID Entry changes data link channel
Fixed: 3D Wing fold Beercans Missing
Fixed: HARMs in PB mode have their TGT numerical value applied to the selected DL channel
Fixed:Changing laser code for GBU also changes D/L frequency
Fixed: GPS Weapons delivery data entry training mission
Fixed: User mission creates flight model error for no apparent reason
Fixed: Manual page 279 - On the TAC page, the “HARM DSPLY” legend is displayed below pushbutton X
Updated Ru localization of inputs (FA-18C, overall improvement for consistency)
DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics
Tactical commander can't assign the target for AI aircraft - fixed.
DCS Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
Improvement: further sound improvement including rotor sound and max speed and distance related sounds.
Added: New keybind mappings in ASP-17V Sight, DC Panel, AC Panel, IFF transponder and MC-61 categories.
Fixed: Collective automatic snap moving in certain modes (https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/289035-collective-problem).
Fixed: Red panel light knobs line not illuminated (https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/286385-light-intensity-knobs-on-the-right-instrument-panel-are-not-illuminated-and-rain-drops-are-way-oversized).
DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
FR24 transmit power changed to 3W in VoIP.
Fixed FR22 frequency display when set at x99 frequency.
Ground crew is now heard with a closed canopy.
Fixed no sound when disengaging the parking brake via toe brake.
Mission data will be cleared before loading new data.
Fixed countermeasure bindings.
Canopy state is now updated in the cockpit after being jettisoned.
Improved AKAN gunsight accuracy.
Allowed kneeboard settings to be used on cold start and changed their hotkeys slightly to avoid conflict with weapon selection knob hotkeys.
Fixed LS points not repopulating on cartridge change.
DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
Adjusted AIM-54 FM data to more closely correlate with CFD research.
Fixed lofting definitions for AIM-54, AI should now loft AIM-54’s.
USS Forrestal: Added collision box to LSO platform, allowing placement of crew and objects.
Fixed JESTER menu typo in Ripple Quantity in the A2G submenu.
JESTER now sets waypoint altitude for waypoints added from map markers.
Fixed F-14B RPM Gauge flickering.
Improved instances of MP spawn on carriers causing wing damage to neighboring spawns. Some cases persist.
Fixed Mic Button UHF1/2 presses not being recognized as PTT for VOIP if the radio menu is open.
Fixed VF-41 livery folder structure.
Updated VF-32 Swordsmen AB200 livery by Yae Sakura (thank you!).
Added VF-14 Tophatters liveries AB100, AJ200 and AJ201 by Ben_Der (thank you!).
Adjusted AIM-54 terminal guidance, significantly improving AIM-54 overall performance.
DCS: UH-1H Huey by Belsimtek
UH-1H 'Weapons Employment' training mission messages don't go away - fixed.
DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
New: require engine cold crank before another start after an engine shutdown, otherwise the engine start could fail
Added: HSD shows SPJ jam coverage (RWR symbols of being jammed objects will have an underline)
Added: inlet cover and lander in cold ramp condition (contact ground crew to remove them before flight!)
Added: WinWing F-16 HOTAS devices binding
Fixed: AG radar TDC drifts when aircraft has bank angle
Fixed: AA radar jamming target render bug
Fixed: C701 WHOT/BHOT gain/level cannot be remembered
Updated: EWS database
DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3
Adjusted hydraulic pressure bleed off rate with an inoperative engine.
Fixed sound crackling heard inside the cockpit.
DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
Fixed corrupted CoG computations after the airplane crashes and then the mission is restarted.
Minor fix in startup macro sequence lua.
Minor fix in Russian localization.
DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations
WPT Offset using true bearing all the time.
EHSD DATA page: slewing with the TDC is relative to AC heading.
EHSD COURSE Delta error is miscalculated.
Cannot fire a second IRMV after the first launch.
CAS Pager: Pressing “ENT” key does not move to the next line when editing a CAS brief.
CAS Page: L/L coordinates are displayed when using UTM.
CAS Page: Now it is possible to “USE” T0 for targeting. Note: T0 is not available for “Absolute” JDAM targeting.
FIXED: bort numbers in all campaign missions
FIXED: problem with AI taxiing in M05
EHSD DATA page: Display PP UTM coordinate when in AC mode.
DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations
AP Flight path hold issues (blocked star)
Canopy model not breaking from outside
Issue with kneeboard binds
TACAN X/Y bind
crash at game start with non ASCII saved games path
Replay issue
Engine RPM stuck for 5 seconds after touchdown (preventing quick go around)
Small delay for reconnecting with neutral stick after releasing AP standby
AP ALT mode (gains, lights, gong, reengage logic)
Clock needle movement
VTH and VTB accuracy during cold start
S530D low range behavior
Autopilot (gains and logic)
AP Autotrim reworked and more reliable
AP Realistic roll law in course rejoin mode
AP ALT AFF mode standbys until capture
AP ALT AFF mode has no condition on flight path angle
AP ALT AFF mode cannot be engaged with 0 set altitude
AP ALT AFF mode more aggressive to capture altitude
Rework of IDN(HSI) look and mechanics
INS alignment sequence impacts instruments
Cockpit Model:
Added symbols to NDI Flags
Changed the NDI needle texture pattern
Changed the rotational axis of the Flags
Changed the VAD Knobs orientation 180 degrees
Changed the Mode Selector Knob rotation axis to the correct direction and alignment.
ADDED: Mission 07, additional prompt with coordinates
FIXED: Mission 08, AWACS blocking the taxiway
AP Roll angle can be overriden during an AP course rejoin
AP Course mode can make more than 180 degrees turns
AP Course change will not reverse turn if done from turn hold mode
AP APP LOC mode can compensate small CP errors
AP APP mode more efficient for capturing LOC and GLIDE
More aggressive autopilot turns
Gong when crossing selected altitude +1000ft and -300ft even with AP off
TPC/TPL tests move the control surfaces
AP test light sequence
Encoder style binds for interior lights
Sel Jet guard/toggle combo bind
Thumbwheels selectors can be changed with mouse wheel
INS alignment waypoint read happens 36s after pressing VAL
DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations
Pump Tanks 1, 2, 3 & 4 Switches
Cockpit Heating Switch
Anti-Skid Brake System switch
Engine Starter System switch
Fire Extinguisher Power switch
Left and Right Oil Cutoff Switches
Left and Right Afterburner Cuttoff Switches
Fuel Tank 2, 3, 4 Light Test Button
Engine Fire Lamp Test Button
Left and Right Engine Fuel Cutoff Covers and Buttons
Fire Extinguisher Activation Cover and Button
TP-19 Braking Parachute Jettison Cover and Button
Left and Right Engine Start Covers and Buttons
Left and Right Engine Air Start Covers and Buttons
ARU-2V Auto/Manual Mode Selector
Long and Short Arm Manual Mode Selector
Warning Button (Just nosewards of the parachute jettison cover)
Rocket Counter Night/Day Switch
TP-156 Pitot Tube Selector
Canopy Front Anti-Freeze Button
Canopy Pressurization Switch
Canopy Lock Lever Left or Right
Right Side Flood Light
Canopy Emergency Jettison
RUFO-45 Left and Right Side Control Knobs
Cockpit Pressurization Lever
SRO-2 IFF Self Destruct Cover and Button
SRO-2 IFF Power Switch Cover and Switch
Cockpit Ventilation Open/Close Switch
DCS A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics
Missing Key Bind - Scorpion HMCS Power' Added the following commands:
ON/OFF toggle command
ON, OFF, BAT positions commands
ON<>OFF and BAT<>OFF switching commands
ON/OFF toggle command
DCS Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics
Laser designator can't be repaired / checked and maintained by ground crew - fixed.
DCS Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics
Improvements to the Mosquito 3D model
Fixed paint leak in nacelle.
Added safety vents for cooling system.
Exhaust stacks are modified
Improvements to input
Reworked keyboard-driven brake handle movement to match that of the Spitfire
Reduced tail trim wheel button-driven sensitivity threefold
DCS The Channel Map
Fixed issue with Mission Generator, "create fast mission" - working now
DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo:
Mission 8. AI flights tweaked.
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
C-47 Added.
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
C-47 Added.
DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
Bomber formation fixes.
C-47 Added.
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
Bomber formation fixes.
C-47 Added.
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
Typos fixed in mission 1 & documentation.
Yellow bus removed from near the flight line.
Added an in flight guide pdf.
FM homing should work during the entire long count in Mission 6.
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
Added a brand new Exposure mission with PDF.
Stock ATC disabled to avoid bugs.
f-4e Skin folder name fixed.
DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap:
Added new ECM and HTS pods to player loadouts.
F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:
Mission 2: Fixed false ROE violation
Mission 9, 11: Updated position of ground units blocking AI taxi routes
The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
Mission 13: fixed issue with Uzi orbiting and shooting at the hangar instead of landing.
M-2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
Mission 05: fixed issue with wingman not taxiing behind the player.
DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
Horizontal changes: Set Nellis ATC to "silent" in all the missions which should fix the issue with AI failing to take off behind the player. Added UHF radio presets to mission 2-10.
Mission 01: Made startup instructions optional. Moved using radio presets from M06 to M01. Fixed the issue with players not getting the shut down part.
Mission 02: Startup messages made more clear for the player. Updated ATC VOs. Updated wrong Biff's VO (HSI is "Horizontal Situation Indicator" and not "Horizontal Selection Indicator").
Mission 03: Updated messages for landing at Tonopah to make things more clear for the player.
Mission 05: Updated trigger checking player's formation during fly-over (should be easier to get 100 points now).
Mission 06: Added Mormon Mesa Departure to the kneeboard.
Mission 07: Added location of MOAPA to the kneeboard. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 08: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 09: Updated voiceovers about Mask Zone question. Fixed possible bug where mission gets stuck after TGP discussion. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 10: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633:
Mission 3. Winds updated, Kneeboard for Arco frequency corrected to 318, Tanker now in Racecourse pattern in case of slow plug.
F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633:
Mission 1. Kneeboard updated to make the requirement for low fly past clearer.
Mission 11. Ref to 410 corrected to 420
Mission 13. Mission fail added if enemy Helos not stopped.
DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:
Mission 12. Fixed bug where Davy fails to stop attacking targets near mission end.
Mission 14. Altered engagement on task 1 to compensate for AI ground troops accuracy improvement, Fixed rare bug that allowed third JTAC task to enter a continual loop.
Mission 15. Fixed bug that allowed Davy to get shot down, Removed exploding tree from Archangel LZ, Tweaked JTAC cleared hot condition.
DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development
Mission 5-1 Problem with convoy at the beginning of the mission solved
Mission 7 A-10 AI is doing their job now.
i9 13900KF 64 Gb DDR5 @ 7 Ghz CAS 32 Asus Apex Z790 W11 64 bits pro sur Kingston FURY Renegade 2 To, DCS, P3D5 et MSFS sur 2 ème Kingston FURY Renegade 2 To, RTX 4090 Alim Asus Thor 1600 W Gold Ecran Samsung G9 57 pouces 8K
WC AIO ARTIC liquid freezer II 420 Boitier Gigabyte 3d mars https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEFAk464aSg22aGFZ2LxeFg/videos
Hors ligne
Aujourd'hui sortie de la 2.8 beta
Ajout d'effets atmosphériques : arc-en-ciel, éclat, et halo de glace. L'effet de halo de glace est paramétrable dans l'onglet Météo de l'éditeur de mission.
Les nuages volumétriques se déplacent désormais en fonction de la direction et de la vitesse du vent. Chaque couche de nuages respecte les paramètres de vent dans la bande d'altitude définie.
Par contre pertes de fps en VR , jusqu'à 25% ...
Simu VR VARJO AERO, i5 13600K, RTX4070Ti Super 16Go, 128Giga ddr4, SSD 2To, HDD 14To
Plateforme DOFreality Hero 2/FFB Moza/Buttkicker/SimHaptic/SRS "Hurricane" Power Wind kit
Principalement ... Je ne sais plus mais en VR !
Pilote ppl avion/p. train classique/p. avion ancien/p. voltige 1/2 cycle/p. planeur/p. ULM .
Hors ligne
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