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Les images satellite de FSEarthTiles ne s'affichent pas...
J'ai testé les 4 services mais rien à faire...
Comment régler ce problème?
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Un peu court, ne trouves-tu pas ?
Tu pourrais (intonation à la Cyrano de Bergerac ... ) nous donner les lignes de ton fichier FSEarthTitles.ini pour débuter ... afin qe l'on puisse voir ce qui cloche, car pour l'instant ... de boule de cristal, je ne possède point (façon Yoda
@+ Didier
W10 Pro 64b Build 22H2 - Boitier HAF 932 - Z390 STRIX-F - 9900K - 2x16 Go - NVidia 3060 Ti 8 Go - Alim Corsair 800W - Ecran 34" - NVidia Studio ready 536.23
P3D v5.4 = http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/img/members/53/P3Dv5HF-Reglages-A.jpg - MSFS Deluxe/STORE - X-Plane 12B
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Voici le contenu de fon fichier ini: (FSEartTiles a été codé en VB?)
# FS Earth Tiles Pre Version V1.0 HB-100, July 2008
# ****.*** you need to replace this with a service base address.
# %s In the URL %s is the placeholder for the later on service access filled in Tile code
# hint: Check Tile Proxy Project forums to figure out working service configurations
# Also mind that a service URL often contains a map version number that you should update from time to time (try and err)
# check the user documentation (UserDocu.rtf) for help with the parameters in this file
# Earth Services have copyright on their material! That means you may not distribute sceneries you create that includes such material!
# You are also not really allowed to download such material and use it in FS or elsewhere without the permission of the services.
# Also note that some services will not like you accessing their informations in this for them uncontrolled way
# and temporary block and ban you.
#-------------------------------------------------#--- Services Configuration --- # you can add up to 9 Services entries
ServiceCodeing = qrts
ServiceUrl = http://kh0.******.***/kh?t=t%s&n=404&v=1000 #you need to replace the * with a service base url (universal map version v=1000)
#Referer = http://kh0.******.*** #optional,you can try with and without this to establish a connection
#UserAgent = Mozilla/4.0 #optional, alternatives: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; or any fictional name
ServerVariations = kh0,kh1,kh2,kh3 #Server variations that all have to contain the same Tiles[Service2]
ServiceCodeing = 0123
ServiceUrl = http://a1.ortho.tiles.************.***/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=172 #you need to replace the * with a service base url
#Referer = http://a1.ortho.tiles.************.*** #optional (older versions g=104, g=52)
#UserAgent = Mozilla/4.0 #optional
ServerVariations = a0,a1,a2,a3 #Server variations that all have to contain the same Tiles[Service3]
ServiceCodeing = xyz
ServiceUrl = http://us.maps3.****.***/aerial.maps.****.***/img?%s&v=1.8&t=a # You need to replace both groups of ****.***
#Referer = http://us.maps3.****.*** # (old versions v=1.7, v=1.5)
#UserAgent = Mozilla/4.0[Service4]
ServiceCodeing = qrts
ServiceUrl = http://kh0.******.***/kh?t=t%s&n=404&v=26 #you need to replace the * with a service base url
ServerVariations = kh0,kh1,kh2,kh3 #Server variations that all have to contain the same Tiles (old versions v=24, v=20)[ProxyList] #if you want to use proxies (web/http) add them here
direct #use the word "direct" in the List to mark a connection without Proxy
# #local proxy (example for TOR net)
# #external proxy example
#direct #you may enter the same Proxies more than one time in this list if you like
# #Use the next button to change cycle throughthe proxy list manualy. (note original I planed a proxy change automatisation but didn't implement it at the end)#---FS Earth Tiles Start up default values---
WorkingFolder = D:\FSEarthTiles\work #working space folder.
SceneryFolder = D:\FSX\Addon Scenery\FSEarthTiles #scenry folder. Note it stores the files in the texture and scenery Sub-folder (also creates any missing folders)DownloadResolution = 1 #-4...8
StartWithService = Service2
SelectedSceneryCompiler = FSX #choose: FSX or FS2004
AreaSnap = Off #Off/LOD13/LatLong/Tiles/Pixel, IMPORTANT: Select LOD13 for FS2004 to avoid water borders!
CreateAreaMaskBmp = Yes #if Yes Area Mask Bitmap will be created that are used for Blend and Water and Seasons. (note FS2004 does not know blend)
CompileScenery = Yes #Yes = Compile the Scenery, No = Download the Area only.
AutoReferenceMode = 1 # 1..4 only active if AreaSnap is not off
# 1 = match exact Area Dimensions, 2 = allow to go one large, 3 = maximum freedom in going larger (largest areas simular to Area Snap Off), 4 = divide into single unitsZoom = 4 # -4...18
AreaDefinitionMode = 1Point #1Point / 2Points
AreaSizeX = 1 #[nm] Usage of this value depends on your AreaDefinitionMode setting (used on 1Point)
AreaSizeY = 0.6 #[nm] Use point for broken numbers here such as 1.5 or 0.75 no matter what language setting you use
CenterLatitude = 44deg 25min 00sec north #Usage of this value depends on your AreaDefinitionMode setting (used on 1Point)
CenterLongitude = 8deg 51min 00sec east
NorthWestCornerLatitude = 44deg 25min 00sec north #Usage of this value depends on your AreaDefinitionMode setting (used on 2Points)
NorthWestCornerLongitude = 8deg 51min 00sec east
SouthEastLatitude = 44deg 25min 00sec north #Usage of this value depends on your AreaDefinitionMode setting (used on 2Points)
SouthEastLongitude = 8deg 51min 00sec east#-- Additional Settings --
TextureUndistortion = PerfectHighQualityFSPreResampling # choose: Off/Good/Perfect/PerfectHighQualityFSPreResampling. It corrects the texture to ensure accuracy on large areas and in best mode it heavy improves FSCompiler result but costs a lot memory
# Off -> Not recommended (inaccurate on large areas)
# Good -> Fast with Good Quality, small Memory usage
# Perfect -> Remarkable slower but perfect accuracy, small Memory usage
# PerfectHighQualityFSPreResampling -> Increase of Texture Quality through Pre-Resampling (Doing FS's job, just with much more quality result). Heavy Memory usage (6 times more). As slows as Undistortion Perfect.FSPreResampleingAllowShrinkTexture = Yes # Yes = Shrink the Texture on resampling instead enlarging. That generates one LOD Level less. Saves HD and memory space. Sharper but less Antialiasing effect. (only aktive if TextureUndistortion = PerfectHighQualityFSPreResampling)
FSPreResampleingShrinkTextureThresholdResolutionLevel = 3 # Textures with selected Resolution Level less or equal this values becomes shrink instead enlarged. Usefull if HD space is limited to get the maximum quality for the highest LOD.
# Example. The Default value 3 means: Dl Res 3 was earlier converted to one LOD up: LOD14, and with this it will be shrinked/converted in LOD13 (which match more with the table on the GUI). Dl Res 4 will still be converted upward to LOD13 (only active if FSPreResampleingAllowShrinkTexture = Yes)Brightness = -6.0 #[percent] Texture Color Enhancement. Brighness is best set to BrighnessValue = - 0.5 * ContrastValue;
Contrast = +12.0 #[percent] Texture Color Enhancement.DownloadFailTimeOut = 1800 #Time out in seconds. If connection breaks and the tile flow stops this is the time after which the download attempts stops.
MaxDownloadSpeed = 20 #Max download Speed in Tile per Seconds [Tile/Sec]. You can enter broken values like 0.1. One Tile is about 12kByte in transfear. 20 Tile/Sec is max (Internal hardcoded speed limit for fairness reason)MaxMemoryUsageFactor = 1.0 #Factor of Maximum of Memory Usage of detected allocable texture memory. (there is already a 5% marging).
WebBrowserRecoverTimer = 15 #[sec] If the WebBrowser Tile flow stops due not accessible pages or redirected or user interruptuions etc the flow is auto restarted after this timeWebBrowserNoTileFoundKeyWords = Not Found,HTTP Error 404,Bad Request #If a WebPage with any of this KeyWords are found (seperated with comma) instead a Tile, The No Tile Found Tile will be used. (else it tries again and again and again..endless..a WebBrowser only problem...(no proper HTTP error msg accessable or I found none)).
#Note that the Words used here are Service dependent. Also make sure there is no collision with the Windows internal Page if connection breake. The Wordsyou use should not apear on the Windows connection lost info page else you get No Tile Founds on connection breake also which we don't want.
#--- Yes/No Switches --
UseCSharpScripts = No #If yes then the Scripts will be loaded and usesd.
KeepAreaInfFile = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the Area.inf File (used for FS scenery compilation with resample.exe with no Water or Season Masks)
KeepAreaMaskInfFile = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the AreaMasks.inf File (used for FS scenery compilation with resample.exe with Water Masks)
KeepAreaMaskSeasonInfFile = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the AreaMasksSeasons.inf File (used for FS scenery compilation with resample.exe with Season Masks (and water))
KeepAreaEarthInfoFile = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the AreaEarthInfo.txt File (used for Water and Season creation) required input file for FSEarthMasks
KeepSourceBitmap = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the Area.bmp File (This is the original downloaded and assembled Area.bmp and is required for FSEarthMasks and scenery compilation with Area.inf)
KeepSummerBitmap = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the AreaSummer.bmp File (used in AreaMask.inf for scenery compilation with Water/Season Masks. Can be recreated through FSEarthMasks)
KeepMaskBitmap = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the AreaMask.bmp File (used in AreaMask.inf for scenery compilation with Water/Season Masks. Can be recreated through FSEarthMasks)
KeepSeasonsBitmaps = Yes #if Yes then this keeps the Various Season Bitmaps Files (used in AreaMask.inf for scenery compilation with Water/Season Masks. Can be recreated through FSEarthMasks)
FS2004KeepTGAs = Yes #choose: Yes or No (you will find them in the \yourscenery\texture\TgaSourceFiles folder)
UseInformativeAreaNames = Yes #No -> Area.bmp, Yes -> Area_Lp2_SnapLatLong_N042470000_N042400000_E010050000_E010170000.bmp
ShuffleTilesForDownload = Yes #if you want the Tiles to be shuffeled downloaded instead in plain order
ShuffleAreasForDownload = No #if you want the Areas to be shuffeled downloaded instead in plain order
AutoStartDownload = No #Automatical starts the download on application start
AutoExitApplication = No #Automatical exits the application after the work is done
OpenWebBrowsersOnStart = No #Yes = Right open the WebBrowser Engine on Start of the Application.
ShowDisplaySelector = No #Yes = shows the Display mode selector with the 2 modes Free/Tile. Usually of no use except for study/debug.
SuppressPitchBlackPixels = No #Yes = All absolut black Pixels color(0,0,0) will be transformed into color(0x01,0x01,0x01) pixels.
CompileWithAreaMask = Yes #Yes = Compiles the Scenery by useing AreaMasks (AreaFS..MasksInfo.inf) . Should best stay on yes. (only active when CreateAreaMaskBmp = Yes)#--- FS compiler ---
UseLODLimits = Yes #Set to Yes to aktivate FSET's minimum destination LOD creation logic. (effects FSX only)
MinimumDestinationLOD = 13 #Generates at least LOD's up to this LVL to avoid FS default scenery comeing through. Only active when UseLODLimits = Yes
CompressionQuality = 100 #FS default is 100%. Some like 80 better to generate smaller bgl's on cost of teh quality.#--- FS Compilers ---
FSXSceneryCompiler = resampleFSXSP2.exe
FS2004SceneryCompiler = resampleFS2004.exe
FS2004SceneryImageTool = imagetoolFS2004.exe #if missing the FS2004 compilation stops with the .tga's (no complete FS2004 executable scenery!)#--- FS Earth Masks ---
FSEarthMasksTool = FSEarthMasks.exe#--- Earth Masks Config ---
CreateWaterMaskBitmap = Yes # yes = create Water/Blend Mask. (An Area Vectors file (.Kml or .svg) is required for this!)
CreateSummerBitmap = No # yes = create Summer Texture * Important! -> *, A summer Texture is required when you want to work with FSEM's Color Adaption for Water Regions.CreateNightBitmap = No # yes = create Night Texture
CreateSpringBitmap = No # yes = create Spring Texture
CreateAutumnBitmap = No # yes = create Autumn Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts)
CreateWinterBitmap = No # yes = create Winter Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts)
CreateHardWinterBitmap = No # yes = create Hard Winter Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts)BlendBorders = No # yes = auto blend Borders (Blend-Transition) of an (Multi-)Area
#--- Third Party Tools ---
UseAreaKMLFile = Yes #yes = an AreaKML.kml File is expected in the Work Folder used for Water and Blend Vectors. You need to create that File in advance!
UseScalableVectorGraphicsTool = No #yes = Starts the SVG Tool for every Downloaded Area (Only if CreateAreaMaskBmp is on)
ScalableVectorGraphicsTool = D:\Inkscape\inkscape.exe #Used for Drawing Water and Blend Vectors creating a .SVG File
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Il y a une petite manipulation à faire pour configurer les serveurs (remplacer les ***** par la vraie adresse du service), voici un tutorial : http://lologramme.free.fr/GuppY/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=35
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Bonjour Mimi74
Une autre solution consiste à installer la scène de Flymandrier Cuers (très belle et merci à leurs auteurs, au passage) et à faire un copier-coller, depuis le fichier ini associé à l'installation de la scène, de la section consacrée aux différents serveurs, dans ton propre fichier "ini" de FSEarthtiles C'est ainsi que j'ai procédé, et tout a marché parfaitement, et nickel, ensuite.
Juste pour te dire !
Amicalement à toi
Dernière modification par platoplotinus (26/11/2011 08:52)
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