#201 [↑][↓] 10-09-2014 15:26:48

Inscription : 15-01-2013
RenommĂ©e :   25 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)


Oh my God !... It's so beautiful !!!! w00t w00t w00t w00t



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#202 [↑][↓] 10-09-2014 15:44:26

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
RenommĂ©e :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

A beauty 4 sure !

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#203 [↑][↓] 15-09-2014 23:41:05

Inscription : 14-05-2011

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)


Vivement la livrée Japan Airlines!


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#204 [↑][↓] 16-09-2014 05:33:44

Inscription : 11-08-2012

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Ca va mal pour le 787....  dĂ©cidĂ©ment, pas de chances :


Holidays : wasted time between 2 flights...

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#205 [↑][↓] 16-09-2014 13:26:12

Inscription : 15-03-2008

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Haha merci du partage, excellent ce site je ne connaissais pas e_Clown

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#206 [↑][↓] 16-09-2014 15:46:05

Lieu : LFPN (Yvelines)
Inscription : 26-04-2013
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

J'aime bien les autres titres :
- La passagère est victime d’un explosion mammaire, l’avion atterrit en urgence
- Arnaque : Le pilote de chasse grugeait l’armée de l’air en utilisant sa carte Total GR professionnelle à la pompe
- Le bagagiste de Roissy s’amusait à mélanger les étiquettes bagages pour redonner le sourire aux gens

Je bookmarque, merci.


Simulateur en jachère. 2 PC en rĂ©seau, un i5 + un  i9 9900KF, 32 Go RAM, 1 SSD 1to, RTX 2080 8go, 5 Ă©crans 24 pouces. Hardware EFDE et Opencockpits.

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#207 [↑][↓] 16-09-2014 16:21:24

Bee Gee
Inscription : 18-03-2008
RenommĂ©e :   145 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)


un addon indispensable.

"On n'est pas des ... quand mĂŞme !" Serge Papagalli,

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#208 [↑][↓] 16-09-2014 18:28:47

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
RenommĂ©e :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Ah ah ah !! Énorme.

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#209 [↑][↓] 11-10-2014 22:32:23

Inscription : 24-08-2012
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Bonjour Ă  tous,

Je suis un peu étonné que l'infos ne soit pas passé donc je le fais smile
Quality Wings Ă  en ce dĂ©but de mois postĂ© sa "mise Ă  jour" 

Ultimate 787 Collection

The Ultimate 787 has been worked on extensively over the summer as much as our time has permitted.

Lars has pretty much completed the 787-8 modeling and it is really a winner (If I may say so). We are confident that the animations and systems integration available on this model are amongst some of the best available in FSX for commercial airliners. Many will unfortunately go unoticed, but it will be nice when the saavy 787 user will catch something that truly represents this amazing aircraft. We are also pleased to preview the night lighting available for the 787. And it's not just the exterior lighting that shines (no pun intended), it's the interior...including the passenger cabin. That's right, I said including the passenger cabin because I'm personally more impressed by the Cargo compartment lighting lol. Not anything groundbreaking there, but I still love it :-)


The business end of the aircraft (Systems Programming and Cockpit modeling) have also seen some major progress. We had to go back and revamp some things in the VC but the time to revamp was necessary and the results are what we were looking for. Jacob and Ernie have been working together for the last few months to ensure all animations in the VC are setup and integrated with the systems. Still in progress, but we're getting there. On the systems front, Ernie has finally gotten all the different display combinations sorted out. The 3 inboard displays are considered Multifunction displays, but each display has 2 halves. The display combinations are more than 100, so we will need to do some serious beta-testing with these displays to ensure we catch as much as we can. Now that the combinations are pretty much set we have to go page by page and try to fine tune placement of data. We are also in the process of ensuring the Systems Pages are displaying system information correctly. A video will be provided soon showing some of the display combinations and CDU page navigation. It's alot to wrap your head around and ahs taken quite a bit of time to get right. As always a work in progress and we are still in the process of working on each page to ensure they are correct.


We are also working on the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) which will be available for the 787. The EFB will allow for access to airport charts and other misc documents, as well as allowing for setting options. It will also allow for another feature which we are still brainstorming about. More on that feature as it develops (If it develops).

Lars is also continuing to test the Autopilot/FBW systems which is a huge endeavor for us. We took the step to do a completely custom autopilot and fly-by-wire system to simulate the handling characteristics properly.The fly-by-wire is in early testing at the moment and features the Boeing C*U logic, P-Beta (automatic roll and yaw asymetry compensation), spiral stability and Bank Angle protection at this point.Further aspects of the FBW system are yet to be implemented.

On the Flight Dynamics front, Nick continues to tweak his FDE suite with the input of our test pilots. And as Nick goes, so does Emil. We previewed the RR Trent 1000 soundset a few months back, and we are pleased to now provide the First "listen" to the GENX soundset for the 787. Additionally, he has remastered the flightdeck environment sounds which includes unique sounds for the different types of switches in the Flightdeck. Toggle switches sound different than Korry Switches which sound different than Knobs. Emil will continue to tweak the sounds from time to time as we move further in development, but he is now going to shift focus to the 737CL.

On the texturing front, myself (Corey) and Kyle are knee deep in paint for the exterior and the interior (Kyle) of the aircraft.


Il ont aussi posté une vidéo donnant un aperçu des systèmes sur leurs page fb.
il prevoit une sortie peu etre debut 2015.

Source : https://www.facebook.com/QualityWings?fref=ts


Je sais pas si ça a un grand interet de faire un "copier-coller" Mais bon


Dernière modification par Popite78 (11-10-2014 22:34:01)

Config: I7 2700k 3.2Ghz  + MSI 970  4go +  8go 1600ghz

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#210 [↑][↓] 12-10-2014 00:10:13

Inscription : 19-07-2012
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Quelle bête ! Je suis impatient qu'il sorte ! Ils semblent y mettre tellement d'efforts, j'espère qu'il vont nous proposer un avion exceptionnel ! Ça va y'aller les heures de vols à sa sortie hein ! laugh


Un des derniers résistants sur fs9? wink

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#211 [↑][↓] 15-10-2014 19:06:55

Lieu : Paris
Inscription : 20-04-2014
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Je n'avais jamais vu la décoration intérieure d'un 787 avant de découvrir les screens chez Quality Wings. Le gris/noir est superbe et fait très moderne voire futuriste. On sent aussi le travail de Boeing sur l'ergonomie du poste de pilotage. Celui-ci semble plus spacieux. Sous certains angles de vue j'ai l'impression que c'est un poste de commande de vaisseau spatial wink Par contre, j'apprécie moins le PFD qui fait un peu jouet ; je préfère nettement les PFD actuels sur 777, 747 ou 737.

Dernière modification par SF-260 (15-10-2014 19:08:13)

P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64

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#212 [↑][↓] 04-12-2014 19:11:55

Lieu : Par-ci, par-lĂ 
Inscription : 27-12-2011
RenommĂ©e :   56 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Quelques nouvelles images des livrées de LA bête.

Let's take a look :

[img align=c]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t31.0-8/s720x720/1403488_10152529705224639_5518410829790368351_o.jpg[/img]

Un peu plus grand ...

[img align=c]https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/s720x720/10380082_10152515591264639_8447833730775514086_o.png[/img]

Un peu plus grand ...

[img align=c]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0zgYvi30kcw/UZ8Rktptq8I/AAAAAAAAVqo/0BqTm8A5gPQ/s1600/2hcR7.gif[/img]

[img align=c]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10526182_10152528775854639_3040127565273906554_n.jpg?oh=cb47f30604acb8fd7bda0644ded90c47&oe=551D5679&__gda__=1427545734_a9686c4d40fbe570582a414f129a4726[/img]

Un peu plus grand ...

[img align=c]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vhOjt3hC9OE/UZ8R_OBef5I/AAAAAAAAVrQ/RtrWJT39i7A/s1600/Jcc6D.gif[/img]

mad2_gif mad2_gif=V mad2_gif mad2_gif mad2_gif mad2_gif mad2_gif loveeyessmly_gif loveeyessmly_gif

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#213 [↑][↓] 04-12-2014 19:37:20

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
RenommĂ©e :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Superbe boulot graphique.

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#214 [↑][↓] 04-12-2014 20:52:53

Inscription : 04-06-2012
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Bien l'appréciation du zinc... wink

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#215 [↑][↓] 04-12-2014 21:43:03

Lieu : 7 Nm QDR270 LFRC
Inscription : 08-12-2008
RenommĂ©e :   25 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Il est sympa ce 787 wink

"V1, Rotate, V dormir..."
Ryzen 5 5600X / Gigabyte B550 AORUS ELITE V2 / Be Quiet! Pure Rock 2 black / G.Skill Ripjaws V 4x8 Go F4-3600C18D / WD Blue SN570 - 1To (OS) / Samsung 980 - 1 To (Jeux) / Gigabyte Radeon RX 6700 XT Eagle - 12 Go / Be Quiet Pure Base 500DX / Seasonic Prime GX-650 – Gold / Win 11 Pro

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#216 [↑][↓] 28-02-2015 15:00:28

Inscription : 18-01-2015

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Ils sont toujours pas décider à le sortir ?

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#217 [↑][↓] 01-03-2015 14:21:30

Lieu : LFTH
Inscription : 14-03-2008
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Site Web

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

extérieurement le modèle est magnifique en tout cas


Boitier : NZXTH1 - Asus Rog Strix X570-i - CPU : Ryzen 5 3600XT - Ram : 32 Gb Gskill DDR4 Ă  3600 - SSD Crucial P5 M.2 de 2 TO - GPU : Asus TUF RTX3080 - Windows 10 64 bits - boitier NZXT C650W

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#218 [↑][↓] 01-03-2015 14:37:15

Inscription : 04-06-2012
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

A chaque fois cette production me rappel un autre model du nom de 757 Level-D, Je ne sais pas pourquoi... wacko

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#219 [↑][↓] 01-03-2015 14:43:45

Inscription : 16-10-2010
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Snowdon a Ă©crit :

A chaque fois cette production me rappel un autre model du nom de 757 Level-D, Je ne sais pas pourquoi... wacko

qu'on ne verra surement jamais..

Matos:  Boit: Rog Hyperion / PSU: Rog Loki 1200T-SFX-L gaming / CM: Rog Strix Z790e gaming Wifi / CPU: Intel i7-13700KF / AIO: Rog Ryuijin III ARGB / GPU:ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090 OC 24GB / MEM: G.Skills Trident Z5RGB-DDR5 6800MHZ 32GO / SSD SN750-860 EVO-980 PRO / Win 11 Pro / TV TCL 4K 65"

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#220 [↑][↓] 02-04-2015 10:50:53

Inscription : 03-11-2011

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

QualityWings Status Update (1Q2015)
1 avril 2015, 04:15
Greetings from QualityWings,

This first quarter of 2015 flew by unbelievably quick. They say time flies when you're having fun. Whoever said that never developed payware Flightsim Addons LOL! (I'm only half joking).It can definitely be a painfully fun and frustratingly rewarding process.

Anyways, onto the updates for all things QualityWings.

Ultimate 787 Collection

We've put in some pretty long hours over the past 13 weekends to lay much of the groundwork for where we currently are with this project. The majority of the work done this quarter has been to solidify the foundation of the systems on the airplane and to initiate a process of ensuring product performance (AKA Frames per Second AKA the Red Devil) is where we want it to be. We are pleased at the progress we've made in both areas. We have reached a very minor (but significant milestone) in that we've entered very early Alpha Testing! Initial testing is amongst the team members and a few of our testers to get not only an initial feel of the Flight Dynamics but also the overall aircraft. Feedback has been really positive, especially from the people that know it the best: Our 787 Pilots. So with this feedback, Nick can continue to tweak the Flight Dynamics along with Lars who is controlling the Fly-by-Wire stuff.

So what does "basic foundation of the airplane in place" mean? I guess the easiest comparison is to that of how an automobile is built. We've built the chassis (Systems framework like the Overhead Systems, Display Systems, etc) and we've put in the Major components like the Engine and Transmission (Autoflight System and Fly-by-Wire). Now that this is out the way, we can continue to add onto the Chassis by adding the Body (Flight Management System Pages and functionality, Thrust Management/FADEC Stuff). By the time that the FMC framework is done, we should have some pretty good data from our testing at what improvements need to made to ensure the plane flies reasonably close to the real aircraft. Then and only then can be complete the Flight Management System.

There hasn't been much work on the exterior model side as that area is pretty stable at this point. However, the bump and specular mapping for the texturing has been completed and we're extremely happy with how this aircraft looks. Ron did some nice work.



The majority of the work done during this quarter has been in the Flightdeck Systems Programming department. The Virtual Cockpit textures have also undergone some extensive work from Kyle, who is doing a great job getting the textures to pop despite less real estate to work with. Last we spoke, Overhead Panel Systems Programming was in full effect. We've finally completed Phase I of that. The framework has been laid. We will eventually have to go back and tweak all areas (Phase II) to ensure that functionality is accurate. Sure we've already laid the groundwork for systems such as the hydraulics, but now we have to make sure that the system does all of the little things that the real airplane does (e.g Left and Right Electric Pumps Shutting off until needed right before takeoff).

There is alot of little stuff with this airplane that we are trying to make sure that we get right. This real life 787 is so marvelously complex and interesting. One of things we are working on is the Airport Display that shows on the Nav Display. Nice addition, but it takes some time. One of the features of the aircraft that we were able to program in was the Checklists. We've still gotta go back and tweak some of the features, but this is at about 90% completion. The initial release will only have NORMAL Checklists with a few Non-Normal Situations. Another feature we're working on is an Active Flightcrew that calls out the need to do the checklists and also other situational awareness type items (Such as approaching takeoff runway).

We've also finally gotten around to programming the Tuning Control panel. It' amazing how something so small could have so much functionality behind it. I asked a question on Facebook recently about how often you folks use the same frequency when flying using online ATC Services and the answer was a resounding VERY OFTEN. The 787 Tuning Control Panel allows for several freuquencies to be stored. Because of your feedback, we've programmed this feature in which allows for you to do just that. The TCP handles many other systems other than VHF Communications as the video shows. All appropriate functionality has been (or is being) programmed.


If I had to give you an overall percentage of completion of this Flightdeck Systems Programming, I'd say it's around 75%. But that final 25% is an EXTREMELY tedious part of the project. Implementing and trying to perfect the diefferent areas will take some time. I told you during the last update that we were aiming for some point during the middle of this year, but we'd have a better idea around the 2nd quarter of this year. We've finally gotten a chance to estimate all remaining areas of the project and how long it will take to get there. Middle of this year is NOT possible given personal commitments of the staff. But we're pretty confident about Later in 2015. All other areas of the product are at a much higher level of completion.

Though we've come extremely far in the last year..we've still got some signficant work ahead of us. As I said a few updates ago, we didn't truly start working on the guts of this aircraft until last year despite the way too early announcement from us. But THIS STUFF TAKES TIME! We do this on weekends and It's tough. I can't and won't apologize anymore for our pace. It's just the way it is unfortunately.

As tired as you might be of waiting, we're tried of working on our weekends from regular jobs lol. It's not easy to stay the course when the development is no longer fun. The 75-80% is a blast. The 20-25% remaining isn't. The hardest thing to do is to finish these products off but the QualityWings staff has been pretty good about finishing products despite the challenges you hear about (and the many you don't). But with each weekend of plugging away at the list of Things to Do...the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. Like I said: "painfully fun and frustratingly rewarding process".

Hang with us.

Dernière modification par Avroliner (02-04-2015 10:53:10)

Keep The Blue Side Up!

Cavok Repaint: https://www.facebook.com/CAVOK-Repaint-600945326721801/
MSFS // i7-4790K@4.8ghz // RTX3060TI // Maximus VI Hero // 32GB DDR3 // Corsair Hydro Serie H100i // Be Quiet 680 Watt.

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#221 [↑][↓] 02-04-2015 11:21:03

Lieu : EBLG - EBTX
Inscription : 25-10-2009
RenommĂ©e :   98 

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

sounds good wink

Amat Victoria Curam
i7 14700k / Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 / ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-E GAMING WIFI II / MSI 4080 Super GAMING X SLIM/ Trident Z5 7200 64Go / m.2 MP700 pro et 990 PRO / TM Warthog + TPR / Honeycomb Alpha&Bravo / mini FCU / TIR 5 / etc, etc, etc...

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#222 [↑][↓] 02-04-2015 16:06:31

Inscription : 15-03-2008
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Si je comprend bien, pas avant la fin de l'année 2015 .. et encore ............!!

But we're pretty confident about Later in 2015

Boitier bequiet 601-Proc Intel 9900k-MĂ©moire DD4 3000 - 32go - CG Nivia770 - w10- watercooling AIO Corsair h150I Pro

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#223 [↑][↓] 02-04-2015 16:20:59

Lieu : LFPN Toussus Le Noble/RJTT
Inscription : 29-12-2012
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Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Ce n'est pas tout a fait ce qu'ils ont voulu dire Denis, ils ont voulu dire par là qu'ils étaient assez confiants pour une sortie un peu plus tard, mais toujours en 2015, que ce qu'ils avaient annoncé (cet été)

CPU Intel Core i7 4790K@4.5Ghz, Carte Mère Asus Maximus VI Formula, RAM 2x8Go GSkill Trident X 2400Mhz, Carte Graphique 2x Asus GTX780 Poseidon SLI, Watercooling Custo EK Waterblocks, Alim Corsair AX760i, Boitier CM Storm Trooper

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#224 [↑][↓] 05-04-2015 16:20:44

Inscription : 14-05-2011

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

denis a Ă©crit :

Si je comprend bien, pas avant la fin de l'année 2015 .. et encore ............!!

But we're pretty confident about Later in 2015

Littéralement, ça signifie :

"Mais nous sommes relativement confiants pour plus tard en 2015"

En gros, il faut comprendre qu'on a des chances que ça bouge vers le mois d'octobre...


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#225 [↑][↓] 05-04-2015 16:40:16

Inscription : 16-03-2008

Re : [FSX][P3D] Quality Wings Boeing 787 (Topic officiel)

Il aussi se rendre compte que la plupart des gens qui réalisent des add ons (je ne parle pas des grosses boîtes qui vendent plein de produits comme Aerosoft ou Wilco), le font souvent sur leur temps libre en dehors de leur travail, ce n'est donc pas leur activité principale, donc c'est normal que cela prenne du temps.

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