Vous n'êtes pas identifié(e).
Ils remettent çà , et ça se passe ici.
Outre les appareils pour DCS World, la promo met BLACKSHARK2, FLAMINGCLIFFS et A10C WARTHDOG Ã $15,99
60% sur tous les appareils, jusqu'au 9 juin
Heureusement que c'était un chihuahua, si c'était un chat ce serait un chi'miaoumiaou
Hors ligne
Ca inclut la version Steam ?
C'est dommage que les deux ne soient pas au diapason concernant les remises...
Core I7 4770K 3.5ghz - NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2070 8Go DDR 5 - 32 Go RAM DDR3 / Windows 10 64 bits
MSFS 2020
"Je me serai perdu dans la contemplation de la Terre, si je n'avais levé les yeux au ciel..." Amentiba (si,si...)
Hors ligne
Malheureusement, mon bon Loïc, je ne suis pas sûr du tout...
Je viens de me prendre le Mig 21 pour DCS-World, et il est spécifié en rouge au moment de la confirmation de l'achat :
Not for STEAM!
A voir...
Parce que j'avoue qu'une chose m'échappe : DCS World est gratuit, les modules sont payants. Il y aurait donc une version Steam de DCS World ou bien parles-tu de FC3/ BS2/A10C ?
Dernière modification par coyotte (29-05-2015 14:42:29)
Heureusement que c'était un chihuahua, si c'était un chat ce serait un chi'miaoumiaou
Hors ligne
Il y aurait donc une version Steam de DCS World ou bien parles-tu de FC3/ BS2/A10C ?
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
Allez, hop !!! Le Mig-21 est dans la foufouille !
[img align=C]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/514454DCS20150529233144772a.jpg[/img]
[img align=C]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/809731DCS20150530001851285a.jpg[/img]
[img align=C]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/750002DCS20150530002040349a.jpg[/img]
Heureusement que c'était un chihuahua, si c'était un chat ce serait un chi'miaoumiaou
Hors ligne
Sacré engin ! Je pense me le prendre pour les prochains soldes steam !
[img align=c]http://i.imgur.com/J4moBeq.jpg?2[/img]
I5 3570K (4.2GhZ) / R9 280 3Go / Windows 7 x64 / 8go de RAM
Hors ligne
Bonjour à tous,
En cours avec les soldes STEAM de l'été des supers promos (Entre -50% et -75%). Attention ça ne dure qu'une journée .
Dernière modification par gpestel (15-06-2015 13:29:51)
i9-9900k - 32go@3400 - 2080Ti - W10
Hors ligne
Soldes Flash -70% sur le site DCS : cliquer ici
Valable jusque lundi 3 août 05:00 (UTC time)
Par ailleurs, on apprend dans la DCS Newsletter que le "grand saut"* vers DCS World 1.5 est prévu pour septembre 2015.
* Big Move
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
Je viens de me procurer le Mig-21...bon je dépasse pas les 25-30fps mais quel bête !!
[img align=c]http://i.imgur.com/J4moBeq.jpg?2[/img]
I5 3570K (4.2GhZ) / R9 280 3Go / Windows 7 x64 / 8go de RAM
Hors ligne
Pour rappel et planification de vos achats éventuels, l'année dernière les dates des soldes s'établissaient comme suit :
Du 4 au 14 septembre
Du 18 au 20 octobre (Flash Sales)
Du 22 au 23 novembre (Flash Sales)
Du 23 décembre au 5 janvier
Source : section News du site DCS.
Rien ne dit que cette année ce sera aux même dates, mais cela vous donne une idée.
Attention : il s'agit des soldes sur le site DCS et non sur Steam.
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
Et voilà , les soldes Flash d'automne commencent !
De aujourd'hui à lundi 7 septembre 09:00 UTC
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
En retard mais mieux vaut tard que jamais, merci pour l'info Tony, j'en ai profiter pour prendre l'A-10C! Après par contre je ne me souviens plus de rien, le trou noir, je crois que j'ai perdu connaissance après avoir vu que le manuel faisait [large]671 pages!!![/large] Help!
J'en profite aussi pour annoncer que deux promos sont en cours :
[large]M-2000C for DCS World by RAZBAM[/large] (Pre-purchase) Ã 47,99 euros
[large]DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map[/large] (Pre-purchase) Ã 39,99 euros
A noter que la map Nevada est gratuite pour les acheteurs du module A-10C Warthog l'ayant acquis avant le 21 février 2011!
Clément, 43 ans, de Bastia!
Hors ligne
J'ai déjà pris le Mirage, of course, mais pas encore le Nevada, j'attend de voir si Edge améliore suffisamment le framerate !
[img align=c]http://i.imgur.com/J4moBeq.jpg?2[/img]
I5 3570K (4.2GhZ) / R9 280 3Go / Windows 7 x64 / 8go de RAM
Hors ligne
Je pense que les modules (addons) déjà installés seront compatibles avec DCS 2.
Pour EDGE, le nouveau moteur graphique, il est effectivement censé apporter une meilleure fluidité. Mais d'un autre côté, les scènes, les objets et les effets graphiques seront plus riches... Alors la fluidité dépendra aussi de jusqu'où on pousse les curseurs.
A noter que la config recommandée devient plus exigeante pour les modules prévus nativement pour DCS 1.5 ou 2 (Albatros, Mirage 2000, carte Nevada) :
CPU: Core i5+; RAM: 16GB; Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX780
Pour comparaison, la config recommandée sur les derniers modules déjà sortis :
CPU: Core i5+; RAM: 8GB; NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
Coyotte : je suggère d'éditer le titre du topic et de mettre DCS World et modules pour le rendre plus généraliste, et non plus limité aux soldes, surtout qu'il y aura pas mal d'actualités DCS à discuter d'ici la fin de l'année
Dernière modification par SF-260 (20-09-2015 13:17:29)
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
DCS 2 sera il compatible avec les addons deja installés ?
Merci !
Je re télécharge DCS , je vais essayer de m'y remetre sérieusement !
Oui tout reste compatible! Et heureusement d'ailleurs! Ah tiens non un commercial de chez PMDG me souffle à l'oreille que tout aurait pu être different, avant de partir en courant, des dollars tombant de ses poches! brrr!
HS : Coyotte comment vas-tu ??
Clément, 43 ans, de Bastia!
Hors ligne
Merci coyotte.
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
Coyotte : je suggère d'éditer le titre du topic et de mettre DCS World et modules pour le rendre plus généraliste, et non plus limité aux soldes, surtout qu'il y aura pas mal d'actualités DCS à discuter d'ici la fin de l'année
Salut, avec DCS WORLD ça fera moins traitement de texte et plus simu
Hors ligne
Ow yeah !
Quelqu'un connais une MAP avec la France ( ou du moins le sud ? )
Histoire de voler chez nous avec le 2000 !
ça n'existe pas ! Il n'y a que le Caucase, bien sur, le Nevada qui arrive d'ici 2 mois, les alentours d'abu dhabi aussi assez avancé en terme de modélisation/texturing, une map très "océan" pour le F-18 et la map de Normandie/Angleterre, lieu de prédilection pour les Warbird !
[img align=c]http://i.imgur.com/J4moBeq.jpg?2[/img]
I5 3570K (4.2GhZ) / R9 280 3Go / Windows 7 x64 / 8go de RAM
Hors ligne
Un F-5 devrait être intégré dans la 1.5 de DCS World. Cette dernière est en train de passer les tests finaux... La sortie était initialement prévue pour septembre.
[img align=g]http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/img/gallery/1443550558.jpg[/img]
Dernière modification par SF-260 (29-09-2015 19:17:33)
P3Dv4.5 : A2A C172 Trainer - Aerosoft A320 Pro - PMDG 777 - FSTramp - Chase Plane - ASP4
HOTAS : CH Fighterstick monté sur Microsoft Force Feedback 2 - VKB Sim T-Rudder Mk.IV Pedals
Hardware : i5 4670K @4.3 Ghz - 32 Go DDR3 - GTX 1080 8 Go - 2K @165 Hz G-Sync - Win10 x64
Hors ligne
D'après ce que je lis sur le forum, ça arrive pour demain ou dans 2 jours, ils sont au test final c'est à dire installation clean du clien actuel sur un PC et enchainement de test toutes situations.
Le F-5 c'est juste un IA, pas un avion pilotable
Voici le change log complet, beaucoup de changement à tous les niveaux et c'est pas encore finis vu ce qui va arriver avec la 2.0 (ATC, météo...ect)
DCS World 1.5.0 Changelog
New unified executable. Separate executables are no longer used for the front end and simulation.
New graphics engine with the following features: DirectX 11 Support, optimized for GPU rather than CPU, improved lighting and shadowing, and improved graphical effects like contrails, flares and missile trail smoke, improved water
Improved VR support with Direct Display mode and VR front end GUI, but still very much work-in-progress until hardware reaches consumer release versions
Corrected track synchronization errors
Note: Once DCS World 1.5 is out of Open Beta, we will update the DCS World User Manual to reflect all of the following changes
Main Menu
Moved Options to icon at top of Main Menu.
Moved Module Manager to icon at top of Main Menu
Created Log-in / Log-out dialog at top of Main Menu
New Login dialog with the possibility to stay logged in
Changed System / Graphics “Scenes†to “Terrain Texturesâ€. Also changed to Low and High settings.
Added “Ultra†setting to Visib Range. This is for high-end systems only.
Added separate Low and High settings for Heat Blur.
HDR now simply has On or Off settings.
Depth of Field settings added.
Lens Effects settings added.
Clouds settings added (no affect until new clouds are implemented).
Anisotropic Filtering settings added.
Model Visibility settings added.
Flat Terrain Shadows settings added.
Tree Shadows setting removed.
TSAA setting removed.
Cockpit Shadows setting removed.
Search option added to Controls
F2 view camera effects settings added to Misc.
Instant Action
New Instant Action missions selection dialog.
New Campaign selection dialog.
New dialog interface
Filtering based on Ping, Server Name, Map, Mission Name, Players, and Time.
Added server descriptions.
Added mission lists with shuffle option
Added options to show message events: Kill, Takeoff/Landing, Crash and Ejecting
Added option to allow object export
Added option to Pause on mission load
Added option to Pause a server with no client.
Client can now enter any nickname (up to 5) and select one of them
Ships are now synced correctly
Log Book
Log book now accounts for individual aircraft statistics and not just as a whole
3D interactive unit models for Aircraft, Helicopters, Ships, Vehicles, and Weapons
New Training missions selection dialog
Mission Editor
Added map display options, MAP, SAT (satellite) and ALT (elevation shading and iso lines)
Added new Trigger Actions: Begin Playing Actor, Stop Playing Actor, Start Player Seat Lock, and Stop Player Seat Lock
Added new Advanced Waypoints Actions for Options: ECM Use, Restrict Air-to-Air Attack, Restrict Jettison, Restrict Afterburner, Restrict Air-to-Ground Attack, AA Missile Attack Range, and No Report Waypoint Pass.
USAF Aggressors are a special country that have all aircraft, helicopters, ships, and vehicles accessible to them.
Added Fire at point task now has a quantity value allowing users to define the number of shots fired at the target.
Changed All text boxes (Mission briefings, do script, etc) character limit has been increased to approx 16,000 characters.
Adding aircraft to a group set to spawn on ramp now places the new aircraft at the closest available spot to the lead aircraft.
Changed Triggered messages to now "stack" below currently displayed messages no longer over-writing a message that is currently being displayed.
Added "Clearview" variable to triggered messages to use the old method of displaying messages.
Added MANPAD units can now be transported via embarking actions like other infantry. (Side note currently you can't add them to a group with an existing embarking task, you have to create the group as you want it THEN create the embarking task if it contains a MANPAD)
Fixed Bombs not producing a "shot" event.
Unit.getPlayerName() is now functional on ground units and will return a player’s name if they are directly controlling the unit via Combined Arms.
Many new countries have been added. These countries are not yet populated with units, although they have access to all static object and fortifications objects available, along with aircraft that are DCS modules. These countries include: Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, China, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, and USAF Aggressors. These countries are also added to the logbook with a few already populated with ranks and squadrons.
Sound files triggered to play over a radio frequency now works correctly.
Static ships will no longer only face east. They will respect the direction specified in the mission editor.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Aircraft use smarter holding point logic for landings
AI planes now land in two-ships and can a make straight approach even if starting velocity is too high at landing IP. The first pair lands using a direct approach and second will maintain a holding pattern. After first pair lands, the second pair will make their approach.
AI using cranks after BVR shots to extend F and A poles
Improved AI weapon system logic. AIs will more accurately estimate AAM percentage chance of kill (Pk). This is intended to prevent situations where missiles bled energy pursuing targets with low Pk.
Improved AI logic of follow-on missile (AIM-120B/C, R-27 series, AIM-7, AIM-54 and R-33) shot if it determines the prior shot has been trashed
Added antiship task to Su-17, Su-25 and MiG-27
4 v 2 ACM tactics have been improved. Both elements will now take part in the fight
AI formations will now make altitude changes more smoothly, thus allowing with wingmen to more easily stay in formation
Cruise missiles have much better terrain following guidance now
Improved AI use of JDAMs. AI can now drop bombs on multiple targets on a single pass.
Fixed Patriot so it now re-arms if near a warehouse
Changed M-109 reload time to be less insane. Was 7000 seconds, now 3600 seconds.
New F-5E
New L-39C
AIS pod added to payload of Western aircraft (no special function at this time)
LANTIRN pods on F-16 corrected for older missions
New Model for TPZ
New model for Roland ADS
Added APC Tigr 233036 (Available to Russia)
Added APC Cobra (Available to Georgia)
Building fires are now local to the weapon impact location
Lift of R-73 and AIM-9M was increased from 0.5-0.4 to 0.9-0.8
Increased luminosity size of smoke for S-8TsM and Hydra WP smoke marker rockets
Increased maximum structural G limit of AIM-9M from 35 to 40 G
Gun Smoke effect tuned
Black Sea Map
Added higher-resolution texture created by Mustang
Increased damage value for hardened targets like ammo depot, command center and aircraft shelters by 1.5 to 2.0 of their previous values.
Ground units falling through bridges has been largely eliminated
Infinite fuel after aerial refueling has been fixed
Transonic Roll-off eliminated
Wing rock effects implemented
Rudders have more authority
PTC operation corrected: trimming no longer required in transition from SL to 40000', 'wind up' effects corrected much faster, correct operation on-ground.
High altitude, medium and high AoA behavior is corrected (related to TRO above)
Slow speed, high AoA behavior is corrected
Throttle movement range compression is mostly corrected (full movement range is useable, FTIT/RPM barely changes as altitude increases)
Two wing tanks now have less drag than the belly tank
Selectable bingo bug is implemented
Afterburner stages lighting off are now subtly audible
Conditions of oscillatory and flat spin are corrected
New 6DOF cockpit for Flaming Cliffs 3. New external model is in progress.
Engine model update. Introduced RPM calculation based on flight conditions (temperature, velocity, altitude). Core engine temperature and trust envelope was corrected.
Corrected speed indication on HUD when below 80 KPH.
Gunsight cable added to cockpit 3d model
The 3-in-1 instrument "engine gauge" of the P-51D is missing the „SQ. IN.“ label
In-game manual fixed
Sperry AN 5735-1 Directional Gyro missing markings at 45 and 315 degrees
AN 5825 Vertical Speed Indicator errors
Smoke Generator Typo fixed
Virtual flight engineer has been implemented
SARPP-12 system (System of Automatic Registration of Flight Data) now has animated panel
Fully implemented model of KO-50 kerosene powered defroster
(P-503B) cockpit voice recorder is now animated
Activated all circuit breakers
Signal flare system is now made fully operational
Annunciator "СТВОРКИ ОТКРЫТЫ" (Cargo bay doors open) now functional
Siren is implemented
«АВТОМАТ. СБРОС» (automatic release) switch is now functional
The external resistance for voltage control of STG-3 starter-generator is now implemented. Circuit breaker is located on the right hand electric panel
The external resistance "VS-33А" «I — РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ â€” II» (I - voltage control - II) is now implemented
Details of these improvements can be found in this thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=143573
Rudder authority increased
In-game manual added
Fixed incorrect tank jettison button hint in russian localization
Emergency ignition switch is now normal two-position switch instead of spring-loaded
Gun Selector now OFF instead of ALL GUNS at cold or runway start
When guarded, rocket release selector now is always in OFF position
New cockpit lights added: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?...&postcount=343
New skins
New normal map
Minor 3D issues
Flap warning buzzer sound level tuned
Control stiffening for Rudders
Campaign fixes
Gaps between fuselage and cockpit (when viewed in cockpit) fixed
Loading screen and wallpaper renders fixed
General FM improvements
Fuel system warning light errors
Normal full oxygen pressure
SZKK4 texture errors
Corrected skins
New normal map
HUD clipping fixed - HUD no longer shows outside HUD glass
Training Mission cold start - Updated to have voice over by instructor and typos fixed
Small graphical artifact on canopy model - this was a remnant of the canopy handle
Kneeboard has been implemented
Wrong number of stations on loadout screen in ME when Hawk module isn't installed.
Code optimization for DCS 1.5.0
Graphical optimization for DCS 1.5.0
Night lighting updated for 1.5.0
Combined Arms
Tanks with laser rangefinder. An automatic calculation fire solution taking into account range, wind speed, own tank speed, angular speed of target LOS is now implemented. (RShift+L)
Added Arcade (isometric) View
Uragan MRLS can now be controlled by player
Added Sights for Challenger 2 and LAV-25
Added Sights for M6 Linebacker (M2 Bradley sight for the gun, Avenger sight for SAM)
Synchronization issues in Multiplayer is fixed
Fixed sight visibility limitation while zooming in fog conditions
Fixed air target radio emissions detection with RWR, if the target is not visible for ground radars due to curvature of earth
Added Sights for T-72 and T-90 MBT (from T-80)
Corrected SAM launch for Oliver Perry and Normandy
Added second reverse gear for M1A2 MBT
Added initial voice communications for Red and Blue tank crews. More to come.
Adjusted M1A2 engagement range
Mirror image orientation corrected
Mirror image is now hidden when retracted
External textures improved
New Liveries: Royal Air Force Fictional, Patrulla Ãguila 30 Anniversary, Matacán 100000 HOURS, Armée de l'Air Fictional
Several liveries corrections
Solved issue with GPU missing when there is wind
Fixed issue with both ailerons deflecting in same direction for AI
Collision model improved (now damage affects SFM aerodynamics)
Default payloads added to Mission Editor
Surfaces and controls are now animated when using keyboard
Several inputs added
Kneeboard added
Ejection Seat adjusting added
Sounds for GPU and ejection seat fixed and added
Input options issues fixed
GUI image in payload section corrected
LoD optimization improved
It's now possible to open the canopy with keyboard/joystick assignment
Ejection sequence corrected
Theme music added
Pilot 3D model added in cockpit view
PSD C-101 Template 2048 added
Implemented RU Game Localization
Replaced multiple existing inputs with toggle inputs.
Added 9 New Keyboard Inputs: ASP Target Size, KPP Pitch Set, RSBN/PRGM Channel Select, Radio On/Off, Radio Volume & Chl Selection
Fixed various instances of the Radio not working.
Fixed the Radar operating without electrical power
Increased missile smoke visibility
Fixed the “SPRD Appears on F6 View after use†bug
Introduced special option for ASP pipper gameplay features.
Improved drag chute physics, including chute use in stall/spin recovery (Animation is however still limited)
Corrected Rudder Authority (“Rudder overpowering aileronsâ€)
Added UUA Sensor animation
Improved Over-G weapon jettison (Dynamic Weight Calculation, per-pylon/weapon limit)
Improved regulated Afterburner throttle control
Partially fixed visible weapons remaining on destroyed/missing wings
Fixed A-A missile lock tone bug
Corrected wing thickness & angle
Various corrections on all weapon pylons
Rebuilt frontal canopy for smooth fuselage transition
Re-Drew rivet and panel lines on rear fuselage
Added red floodlights in cockpit
Dozens of minor 3D/2D issues
Fixed various Cockpit graphics issues
Corrected various ASP calculation issues (Incorrect lead, “CCIPâ€)
Added 8-10 new default liveries
New specular maps
Sculpted rear fuselage into a new normal map
Added new SPRD Rocket booster model and texture
Corrected placement of SPRD Rocket booster on aircraft
Further optimized external model and textures
Revised gear door textures
Corrected AoA vane animation
Temporarily removed 'Canopy Icing' checkbox pending visual implementation
Mi-8MTV2. Russian Training Missions added.
Bf 109. Russian Single Missions added.
German Bf-109 K-4 manual added.
[img align=c]http://i.imgur.com/J4moBeq.jpg?2[/img]
I5 3570K (4.2GhZ) / R9 280 3Go / Windows 7 x64 / 8go de RAM
Hors ligne
Amat Victoria Curam
i7 14700k / Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 / ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-E GAMING WIFI II / MSI 4080 Super GAMING X SLIM/ Trident Z5 7200 64Go / m.2 MP700 pro et 990 PRO / TM Warthog + TPR / Honeycomb Alpha&Bravo / mini FCU / TIR 5 / etc, etc, etc...
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