#751 [↑][↓] 25-01-2017 14:54:59

Inscription : 15-03-2008
Renommée :   17 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Concrétement, les différences avec l'ancienne version c'est quoi ?

DD.gif DI.gif

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#752 [↑][↓] 25-01-2017 16:28:16

Lieu : LFPG - LFPP
Inscription : 13-03-2008
Site Web

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Nouveau modèle, toutes les variantes du -400 sont modélisées, customisation des options compagnies...

Jerry                [img align=r]http://downloads.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/Boeing777_Banner_TechTeam.jpg[/img]
Blog: Keep calm, and aviate!

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#753 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 12:09:46

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Il sera dispo cette semaine :

Vue sur FB

Release Week is Here!!


Welcome to Release Week for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II for FSX, FSX-Steam Edition and Prepar3D v3.x!

As of this morning, we are still on track to our planned release date- and we have only a few small detail items to take care of before we push her out of the hangar for you to fly!

I have been promising to give you a quick rundown on some stuff that you might find interesting about this incredible new product, and late last night I sent an email out to the team asking for their help in collecting the various features and details that spring to their minds as "stuff that will interest you!"

We all agreed that this list is very short compared to what we have packed into this product, but it will serve as a reasonably good preview to give you an idea just how packed full of detail this product is!  (This list isn't even close to being all-inclusive...by the way... if you like detail - this product is going to blow your mind.)

- 747-400, 747-400BCF, 747-400D, 747-400ER, 747-400ERF, 747-400F, 747-400M,
- 62 liveries (as of tonight..still growing) available for immediate download via the PMDG Operations Center.
- Paint Kit available from our site on release day.
- Software Developers Kit for those who wish to develop products to interact with the 747.

Things the Development Team Thought You'd Like to Know:
- Unique performance models for each available engine type.
- Some airframes have multiple engine types to choose from.
- Accurate cockpit controls for all engine types.
- Accurate cockpit displays for all engine types.
- Accurate simulation of all engine start processes including duct pressures and valve operation.
- Accurate application of hydraulic or pneumatic operation of thrust reverse by engine type.
- Pressure blow out doors on Main Deck Cargo Door as well as forward and aft cargo doors and 2 ports just below and forward of door 2L
- Cargo containers on lower deck as well as main deck (on freighters) that appear appropriately
- Dynamic articulating main gear trucks, each independently animated, with independent interaction with the ground.
- Body gear truck is free-hinged and will swing freely when weight is removed during takeoff.
- Improved exterior light splash effects
- Accurate landing light bright/dim animation based upon gear handle position.
- Highly detailed exterior model with 3D modeled Leading Edge Device actuators and flap mechanisms that work like the real aircraft.
- Windmilling engine fans that will turn while parked on the ramp on a breezy day.
- Engine pylons that shake in severe turbulence.
- APU and Engine exhaust "efflux" effects.
- highly detailed exterior model with perfectly dialed in spec and bump maps, can see skin imperfections, stringers and added stress plates around the doors etc.
- changeable antenna configurations
- operable emergency lights along wing/fuse fairing.
- 400ER/ERF modeled with improved, heavy weight landing gear assembly and larger tires,
- 400ER fitted with pressure operated aux fuel tank.
- 400D has significantly restricted operating weights to preserve airframe cycle life.
- Stabilizer fuel tank optional, except on airframes where it is not offered, or on airframes where it is not optional.
- Numerous optional configurations for the fuel system to allow simulation of the early fuel system design, all the way up to the most recent required design/operational changes.
- Numerous new interactions between cockpit and ground crew, to help you manage the pre-departure process.
- Accurate refueling during Ground Operations (real-time refueling.)
- Accurate fuel temperature based upon aircraft wing skin heat transfer characteristics
- Accurate fuel density/temperature effects during real time refueling. (including volume limitations in the event of low density levels.)
- Fuel density during refueling based upon actual global/regional variations in fuel density.
- Fuel density during refueling adjusted for expected fuel temperature during fueling.
- Accurate fuel density/temperature mixing as fuel moves between tanks during operation and refueling.
- Optional power source for System 2 and System 3 Demand Pumps. (Pneumatic Air or Electrically driven)
- If you choose pneumatic power for DEM2 and DEM3, you will see the exhaust louvers on the #2/#3 engine pylons
- Accurate modeling of hydraulic pump flow rates (Based on pump type and power source)
- Accurate modeling of hydraulic pressure/temperature relationship.
- Accurate modeling of fluid flow dynamics through system, including the potential for leaks, standpipe protections and hydraulic overheat.
- Fully modeled electrical system with numerous options for standby power, battery configuration, and more.
- accurate simulation of no-break-power and break-power logic for power transfers.
- accurate simulation of all AC and DC power distribution systems and controls.
- As in all PMDG products, every piece of equipment from pumps to valve controllers right down to light bulbs and switches is correctly connected to all AC and DC power sources.
- It is possible to have AC powered equipment become uncontrollable due to DC power faults in panel .  (Will you know what that looks like? hmmm)
- Accurate fire detection systems modeled for all aircraft types.
- multiple fire detection/suppression system manufacturers modeled and user selectable.
- accurately modeled test methods for fire suppression
- physics based fire simulation for all simulated fires.  When operating with real time failures, some fires may not be extinguished or may flash back to life in hot/protected spaces as oxygen levels return to normal after suppression/descent.
- Main deck cargo fires may spread/may not be controlled.
- simulation of reduced control effectiveness with loss of various hydraulic systems.
- simulation of roll/yaw imbalances if various flight controls fail in flight.
- Accurate flight models for all body types.
- Accurate LNAV, VNAV and autoflight modes.
- Accurate operation of FMS systems, including degraded performance due to failures.
- Polar operations
- Inertial position drift
- accurate operation of landing gear and position detection.
- accurate operation of alternate landing gear systems, including electrical and hydraulic processes up-to-and-including gear door operation
- Free fall of landing gear (and the resulting door impact) in alternate mode.
- correct operation of all external doors, including power sources for nose/main deck cargo doors.  (this will trip some folks up, mark m words!)
- Catering, fueling, ground handling, lavatory services, maintenance, cabin service and cargo loaders all respond in sync with Ground Operations for realistic traffic and servicing around the airplane during ground turns.
-  Alternate EFIS source option
- APU start source power option
- numerous selectable locations for the Autobrake switch
- Multiple Autostart options based upon engine manufacturer.
- Optional System #1 Auxiliary hydraulic pump
- Optional cockpit lavatory
- Electrical or hydro-mechanical scavenge pump operation
- Selectable displays in CRT or LCD format.
- Accurate color representation on CRT display type and separate, also accurate color representation on LCD format. (They are different!)
- Accurate surface glass/projection surface model for both CRT and LCD displays. (CRTs are a curved projection surface...)
- EEC Maintenance Options
- EVAC panel options
- Multiple Fuel panel layouts depending upon installed equipment
- Optional Interphone
- Optional analog or digital autopilot mode control panel
- accurate bouncing digits on analog mode control panel.
- Optional Integrated Standby display or analog alternates.
- Various wing/nacelle anti-ice system options with optional ice detection systems
- Various radio options
- Optional RMIs
- Optional Taxi Lights
- Multiple window frame styles
- Optional yoke checklists and counting devices
- airline specific touches throughout the cockpit
- random "clutter" placement throughout the cockpit (cans, pens, etc)
- Numerous cockpit animations
- Customized reflective surfaces such as windows, crt and lcd surfaces
- random delamination artifacts in the cockpit windscreens.

A few new, big items we are bringing you as well:

- Fully customized sound production model that allows us to enhance the cockpit sound experience to accurately match that you would have if you were sitting on the flight deck of a 747-400 in flight.  This includes accurate implementation of fan noise, slipstream, cockpit environmental sounds, engine sound fading with speed and/or altitude, shaking, vibration and other environmental sounds you experience during the operation of the flight.
- Fully customized sound cones and projection models created using movie studio quality engineering equipment and software to reproduce the internal and external engine sounds for all engine types.This implementation includes multiple bass layers, seamless blending, customized sound cone stitching to eliminate distortion and reproduce the unique sound signature of each engine type.
- Significant support for sub-woofer use.
- Did we mention a fully customized sound engine with enhanced memory management to that allows us to provide an incredibly feature rich sound environment without negatively impacting VAS.

In this product, we are also introducing a new, fully customized physics model that becomes pervasive throughout the simulation:
- Realistic ground interface between the surface of the airplane tires and the ground surface.
- Accurate rolling resistance model between the aircraft tires and the ground surface. (variation between surface types is right around the corner, too!)
- accurate thermal energy transfer model for autobrake and manual brake use, including thermal soaking of brake/tire/landing gear elements.
- accurate thermal energy transfer model for cooling
- wing flex model based upon accurate rigidity, stiffness and oscillation model of the 747-400 wing structure.
- accurate thrust and energy model simulation for all engine types.
- accurate mixing and blending of air temperatures and pressures from engine bleed tap to cabin outflow valve, including thermal changes and pressurization.
- accurate control effectiveness based upon airspeed, angle of attack, control operation and deflection.
- parking brake, chocking position and increased rolling after tire loss based upon physics.
- engine pylon shaking based upon turbulence induced acceleration moment, wing motion and rotational inertia of engine components.
- cockpit viewpoint shaking based upon the airplane's physical interaction with the world, including taxi ground roll, takeoff, touch down, engine excessive vibration transmitted through the airframe, turbulence, stall conditions disrupting airflow, high speed buffet, speedbrake use, excessive G force, and more.
- transfer of heat between fluids (fuel mixing, hydraulic fluid returning to reservoirs, etc.)
- transfer of heat through heat exchangers in the bleed system, fuel and hydraulic systems.
- accurate modeling of fuel temperature based upon the thermal exchange of heat through the wing surface, radiant heating by the sun, etc.
- accurate modeling of cabin temperatures based upon a complete airflow model.
- cabin temperature modeling based upon electrical equipment operation, internal lighting operation, supplementary heating sources (foot/shoulder/windshield air use) the number of passengers onboard and their relative distribution throughout the cabin, solar heating of areas such as windows and exposure to direct or indirect sunlight, the state of cabin doors.

Okay...  that list barely scratches the surface, if you can believe it...

There is a TON of stuff, options and details that you will discover as you explore and use the airplane, including pages and pages of options to allow you to customize the cockpit to match your favorite options or airline configuration.  We are also providing a bunch of "verified" cockpit configurations for various airlines and airframes that will allow you to fly a specific airplane from a specific line, with the correct cockpit options selected.

The are just a few of the things that give the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II an incredible level of authenticity all around.

All of this, and a ton of VAS management to keep you flying and enjoying the simulation.

We are incredibly proud of this product and we think it stands as an incredible achievement for the community to enjoy.  We are very close to rolling her out of the hangar you- so don't wander too far off!

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#754 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 12:29:35

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
Renommée :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Si je comprends bien il font une liste pour justifier les futurs 150 dollars?

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#755 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 12:35:34

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

yep, mais même 500 dollars je les sors pour un Jumbo alors bon.

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#756 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 12:37:53

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
Renommée :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

En amour on ne compte pas. mad2_gif

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#757 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 12:42:31

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

J'aurais pas dis mieux big_smile

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#758 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:14:41

Inscription : 11-06-2013
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

150$ pour quelque chose qui n'intègre même pas de multicrew ... Je trouve ça sacrément abuser

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#759 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:24:11

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Nan c'est juste un 747 comme si on l'achetais a Boeing, ils nous donnent la machine pas le personnel ! Ou si tu veux parler du shared en générale c’est bugué et de plus c'est dans les plans de PMDG.

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#760 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:37:09

Lieu : FL 390
Inscription : 25-07-2015
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Epikk a écrit :

Si je comprends bien il font une liste pour justifier les futurs 150 dollars?

Rappelle-moi à combien il est vendu le 320 FSL pour P3D ? wink
Bon je pense qu'un 747 PMDG avec ce niveau de réalisme 150 dol ça ne sera pas du vol... en tout cas moi j'y serai !

PC: i9 9900K @5.2 Ghz - Gigabyte GEForce RTX 4080 OC 16 Go - Asus Z390 Pro Gaming - 32Go de RAM DDR4 3200Mhz
Portable: MSI Raider 18 HX - i9 14900HX  RTX 4080 12Go 4K 18" display 240hz - 64Go DDR5 - 3To M2 SSD

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#761 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:39:26

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Je me vois déjà sur des pistes américaines, avec une livrée américaine et mon Jumbo américain, sur Vatsim :o

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#762 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:43:32

Lieu : FL 390
Inscription : 25-07-2015
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Tu serais pas un peu fanatique des US toi par hasard... laugh

PC: i9 9900K @5.2 Ghz - Gigabyte GEForce RTX 4080 OC 16 Go - Asus Z390 Pro Gaming - 32Go de RAM DDR4 3200Mhz
Portable: MSI Raider 18 HX - i9 14900HX  RTX 4080 12Go 4K 18" display 240hz - 64Go DDR5 - 3To M2 SSD

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#763 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 13:47:01

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Je vois pas du tout de quoi tu parle tongue

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#764 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 14:14:05

Inscription : 11-06-2013
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

De toute façon à force d'augmenter les prix des addons au fur à mesure, on se retrouvera bientôt avec des C172 et des J3 Cub à 100$, et des 787 et 350 à 450$. Je trouve qu'ils se font quand même pas trop chier. (Pas la peine de me sortir une comparaison avec FSL, ils font partis de ces devs qui en profitent)

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#765 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 14:34:04

Lieu : EBLG - EBTX
Inscription : 25-10-2009
Renommée :   98 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

A force d'avoir accepté de payer des bouses entre 50 et 70€, fallait pas s'étonner de voire les gosses boites réclamer plus...

Amat Victoria Curam
i7 14700k / Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 / ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-E GAMING WIFI II / MSI 4080 Super GAMING X SLIM/ Trident Z5 7200 64Go / m.2 MP700 pro et 990 PRO / TM Warthog + TPR / Honeycomb Alpha&Bravo / mini FCU / TIR 5 / etc, etc, etc...

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#766 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 14:43:57

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Absolument d'accord !

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#767 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 14:51:24

Lieu : LFFE - Enghien-Moisselles
Inscription : 18-01-2015
Renommée :   13 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Moi je me vois sillonner le ciel Africain avec un 747F , repaint Cargolux ou Silkway mad2_gif solv_gif

Dernière modification par AmineB (30-01-2017 14:51:36)

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#768 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 15:00:53

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Cargolux j'aime bien aussi wink

Mais préfère les ricains tongue

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#769 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 15:25:14

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
Renommée :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

ydelta a écrit :
Epikk a écrit :

Si je comprends bien il font une liste pour justifier les futurs 150 dollars?

Rappelle-moi à combien il est vendu le 320 FSL pour P3D ? wink
Bon je pense qu'un 747 PMDG avec ce niveau de réalisme 150 dol ça ne sera pas du vol... en tout cas moi j'y serai !

C'est pas un reproche. C'est 'grâce' à eux que cette tendance à commencer...
Même les Carenado approchent les 50€ maintenant...

Eh eh eh...

Dernière modification par Epikk (30-01-2017 15:27:17)

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#770 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 15:30:18

Inscription : 19-03-2016

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

- Optional cockpit lavatory

Je tenais à le souligner...

A ce prix là je préfère A2A.

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#771 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 16:19:13

Lieu : LFPG - LFPP
Inscription : 13-03-2008
Site Web

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

JumboJet a écrit :

- Optional cockpit lavatory

Je tenais à le souligner...

Eh oui, y a des compagnies qui l'ont, d'autres pas.. Et ça modifie pas mal le poste!

Jerry                [img align=r]http://downloads.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/Boeing777_Banner_TechTeam.jpg[/img]
Blog: Keep calm, and aviate!

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#772 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 16:42:24

Inscription : 15-03-2008
Renommée :   17 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Epikk a écrit :

Si je comprends bien il font une liste pour justifier les futurs 150 dollars?

C'est moins cher qu'un fsl qui coûte 190$ une fois les taxes ajoutées

DD.gif DI.gif

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#773 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 16:47:29

Inscription : 10-12-2014
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Ohh perso je vais payer 150 dollars yeux fermés pour pmdg qualité externe et interne et liste qualité changement de VC etc. mieux de mettre 140  fslabs pour un seul modèle A320 je dois attendre 6 ans pour avoir 319 ou 321

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#774 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 16:52:05

Lieu : LFBD
Inscription : 18-08-2008
Renommée :   42 

Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

Franchement Oussama, tu mets ton argent où tu veux... s'en tape complet.

Cheers, Fritz ESSONO
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
A2A :: FSLabs :: HotStart :: Leonardo SH :: Level-D :: Majestic :: RealAir :: VRS :: NO "BALTRINGUEWARE" ALLOWED

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#775 [↑][↓] 30-01-2017 16:54:16

Inscription : 10-12-2014
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Re : [FSX][P3D]PMDG 747-400 / 747-8 QOTSII (Topic officiel)

t'est pas le droit de me parle comme ça c'est un forum tout le monde donne son avis donc respect stop okey eppik  ciao

Dernière modification par oussama777-300er (30-01-2017 16:54:40)

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