#1 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] LFBH La Rochelle Ile de Re » 03-09-2024 16:54:58

Y a t il 1 profil gsx dispo, pas trouvé sur leur forum

#2 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS]Fenix A320 V2 » 18-08-2024 09:56:50

Vous n avez jamais proposé votre aide sur ces sujets sur leur discord?

#4 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] GSX Pro 3.0 » 22-07-2024 19:16:00

Version 3.0.7
July 22nd, 2024

- GSX Pro NEW: Seated Passengers support for PMDG 737.

- GSX Pro NEW: Seated Passengers support for PMDG 777.

- GSX Pro NEW: PMDG 777 integration (requires 777 v2.0.39 or above).

- GSX Pro NEW: Added 8 new Flight Attendant characters.

- GSX Pro Fix: Fixed cabin dynamic lights heights for Leonardo MaddogX.

- GSX (all versions) Change: VGDS cycling messages are slower, to ease readability.

- GSX (all versions) Change: VGDS removed a space in RWY indication to fit screen.

- GSX Pro change: Maximum Payload calculation, which affects the Variable number of carts, is now based on Planned fuel (if there’s a Simbrief plan active) instead of actual fuel on board, so it will be more correct regardless of when fueling is called.

- GSX (all versions) New: Added the following Handling operators: Maastricht/Aachen airport (Netherlands), Oceania (updated logo).

#5 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Pmdg 777 - Released !! - 25 Juin 2024 - » 02-07-2024 10:26:07

Quand vous faites votre première check-list, est ce que l onglet frein de parking passe au vert quand il est actionné
Ça reste gris chez moi alors que j aurai juré qu il passait bien en vert avec la première version.

#7 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] MĂ J de MSFS 2020 MAP Enhancement du 04/09/2024 : V 8.0.10 » 27-05-2024 14:46:05

Bonjour la 7.6 est dispo avec une nouvelle option bêta dont je n ai pas trop compris l intérêt

#9 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Beyond ATC » 05-05-2024 18:58:21

Il faut quoi au minimum comme matériel ? Je veux dire on peut interagir avec l atc grâce au clavier ou il faut 1 micro?
Quid du langage utilisé uniquement l anglais?
Tank yu 😅

#11 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Active Sky avis mitigĂ© » 27-04-2024 17:26:57

Marcstrasb a Ă©crit :


Peux tu m'expliquer comment installer la version béta ?


Ça c est la dernière bêta dispo, c est pas avec celle-ci que j ai fait mon vol cet aprem.

Dans ce lien en lisant plus bas tu verras ce que tu dois desinstaller.
Voili voilĂ .

#12 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Active Sky avis mitigĂ© » 27-04-2024 14:24:01

Ne pas hésiter à installer la version bêta dispo sur leur forum.
Le software et ses nuages est vraiment sympa et la gestion des turbulences bien aussi.
Le changement de météo est corrigé, bcp plus souple.


#14 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] MĂ J de MSFS 2020 MAP Enhancement du 04/09/2024 : V 8.0.10 » 10-04-2024 10:42:48

Oui, départ d egll les tuiles se chargent bizarrement claire et sombre les claires me font penser au décor que l on trouvait sur les tapis de jeu à notre époque

#19 Les petites annonces » [MULTI-SIMU] alpha et bravo honeycomb [vendu] » 23-03-2024 08:37:49

RĂ©ponses : 6


Suite au passage sur tca airbus captain pack je mets en vente mes deux périphériques honeycomb
Acheté sur aerosoft en décembre 2021.

Baisse du prix

Tout est vendu

#20 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] Je crois que j’ai perdu mes 180 passagers… » 15-03-2024 12:28:46

Tout n est pas automatique avec gsx, vous avez bien rentré les masses dans le fms?
Avec le fenix moteur iae avec flaps 3, c est des frayeurs à chaque décollage...

#22 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] MĂ J de MSFS 2020 MAP Enhancement du 04/09/2024 : V 8.0.10 » 23-02-2024 16:14:09

Le server Google pro 1 ne fonctionne pas ce jour
Je ne reçois pas la notification de la mise à jour

#23 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] MĂ J de MSFS 2020 MAP Enhancement du 04/09/2024 : V 8.0.10 » 05-02-2024 18:06:51

7.5.5 dispo
Fix a performance issue.
Fix simconnect connection.
Upgrade to latest google maps

#24 ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MULTI-SIMU] pĂ©riphĂ©rique Honeycomb » 27-01-2024 00:11:34

RĂ©ponses : 0

De pas très bonne nouvelle

I wish that I had gone out earlier and told everyone what was going on, but in the beginning, I expected it to be a small but easily fixable bump in the road, and more recently, I was concerned that it could jeopardize my chances of getting Honeycomb back. But finding a solution is taking longer than expected and I can no longer, in good conscience, let this go on without being truthful to you about the situation.

There are a lot of lessons to be learned from this and a lot of things I could have done differently, but hindsight is always 20/20. I feel terrible for everyone who has been affected by this, but Honeycomb is my baby, and I will fight for her to the bitter end, and when I get her back, I will right all the wrongs, that is my promise to you!

I am incredibly proud of what Honeycomb has achieved and the products we have created but devastated about the situation we
have ended up in. I still have big dreams for the future, including my
non-profit, The Flight Sim Academy, which through an incredible industry support, is still going full steam ahead with opening 30 high school aviation STEM centres in North America (and more beyond), to not only inspire kids to become aviators but also help them achieve that dream. Honeycomb is a key part of that plan and will donate 15 complete flight simulators (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie & Delta’s) to equip all the SIM Labs at the centres. A lot of the
new products in development had to be put on hold due to the financial situation, but once I have a new partner in place, we will be able to launch all of those fairly quickly and start the new projects I’ve been planning, which I can’t wait to tell you all about.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to my team, especially in tech support and social media who despite not being paid on time since things have escalated, have stayed with me while dealing with an incredible amount of stress, not being able to help people, tell them when they will receive their product or the real reason why it hasn’t been shipped. They are the ones who were on the front lines and experienced the (justified) anger of customers, who were waiting for their products. If you contact them, please be kind. They are all dedicated people, who would love to provide you with a first-class customer service but have not been able to do so for a while, to no fault of their own.

I am also very thankful to all of you who have shown your loyalty and support from day one. I hope that once I have regained full control of my company and gotten things back on track, I can earn
your loyalty and support once again.

I apologize for the poor communication and understand your frustration. While I wish I could provide you with a specific timeline for resolving the issues, I don't want to make any promises that I
can't guarantee. However, moving forward, my team and I will provide you with regular updates until a solution has been found and the one thing, I will promise is that it will be done as fast as humanly possible. Please accept my apologies and thank you for your patience.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this very long letter and let me explain the situation in detail.

Again, my sincere apologies,

Nicki (Founder, Honeycomb)

Honeycomb Aeronautical

#25 Re : ComplĂ©ments & Utilitaires » [MSFS] A300-600 iniBuilds en dĂ©veloppement » 06-01-2024 22:17:09

C est quoi ton soucis avec l honeycomb ?

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