Vous n'êtes pas identifié(e).
"we started by adjusting the flight model" ca fera plaisir à nos experts de modèles de vol
je n'arrive pas à retrouver le post! mais de mémoire c'était prévu fin septembre, et ils doivent repousser suite à des bugs
Sortie imminente, l'upgrade du bae 146, avionique modernisée, automanette, etc.
en attendant, la vidéo :
Peut ĂŞtre la source de navigation?
En haut Ă gauche sur le tableau de bord
Bonjour les gens,
est-ce que vous avez des soucis pour le dégivrage pare-brise?
J'ai beau activer le dégivrage et le defrost, mais le pare-brise reste gelé!
Que j’ai également, mais moins pratique d’accès!
Une chose est manquante chez blacksquare, c’est un onglet dans la tablette, pour avoir accès aux cartes navigraph!
La terre entière au radar LIDAR? Doit on comprendre que la terre entière sera en photogrammetrie et non plus quelques zones restreintes?
Lui mĂŞme!
Je viens de trouver le problème, Meta Quest link s'est mis à jour, mais pas le casque, je viens de faire la mise à jour du casque, il m'a proposé un nouvel appairage, et ca refonctionne!
Après une mise à jour du logiciel Meta, impossible de connecter le quest 2 en air link, malgré plusieurs reboot du casques, ordi et routeur, vous avez le même soucis?
Une belle baisse de tarif, un tiers du prix!
Colis reçu pour ma part, test en vol demain! :)
Me concernant j'ai eu le mail de paiement de la pré commande deux jours après avoir fait une nouvelle commande! Actuellement il est en transit avec DHL avec un départ en Allemagne!
Il est passé « available » sur leur site, mais pas de mail suite à la pré commande…
Du coup j’ai refais une commande et hop j’accèdes directement au paiement!
Au cas où…
L ETA est passé au 17 juin…
Idem ici
Je suis tombé là dessus…
Je te dirai quand ça quand je le recevrai!
Je sens que ça va être un bidouillage!
l'ETA est passé du 7 juin au 6 juin sur le site :)
D’après le site EU, les commandes actuelles sont livrées début juin
Si quelqu'un tombe sur un fichier d'impression 3D pour le fixer sur le honeycomb, je suis preneur :)
un détail qui a son importance!
il y a aussi Sayintentions AI qui est très prometteur, avec démo sur 24h :)
Et hop une mise Ă jour du fenix dispo ici : https://fenixsim.com/blog/entries/2024-04-15_update_and_sale/
Status Update, Flash Sale, and Software Update!
Posted April 15, 2024
Hi all, a few general updates to share from us, in addition to pushing you the latest software we’ve been cooking up. First off, the A319/A321 package is coming along swimmingly - we are looking to put the expansion into beta testing very soon. To celebrate, we’re doing a short flash sale on the A320 from now, until 2200z on Wednesday. The product will be available during that time with a 20% discount! As a reminder, when the A319/A321 expansion goes live, it will do so at £39.99 incl. taxes. This expansion will also include a free update adding sharklet variants to both the A321 and A319 in the future.
To recap, our product layout will look a little something like this:
A320 Base Package - ÂŁ49.99 ÂŁ39.99 until Wednesday!
A320 CFM
A320 IAE
A320 CFM SL*
A320 IAE SL*
A319/A321 Expansion Package - ÂŁ39.99
A319 CFM
A319 IAE
A321 CFM
A321 IAE
A319 CFM SL*
A319 IAE SL*
A321 CFM SL*
A321 IAE SL*
* will be delivered later in the year
That means for our existing customers, we will be delivering a per variant price of ÂŁ7.50 (if purchasing the expansion). We believe this represents excellent value to the customer, no matter if purchased before, during, or after our little flash sale.
On to other matters, we’ve prepared the next update for the A320. While development of the expansion has been chugging along, we broke off a small portion of the team to focus on some key areas we felt needed some improvement since B2 was launched to you all. This primarily consists of continuing to improve performance, and delivering optimisations across the product. With this in mind, we’ve optimised both the XEM, and the artwork about as far as we can take them at this point. We have some longer term plans in mind to continue this work, however those projects are larger in scope and require certain module rewrites, and so have been scheduled for a little later in order to facilitate expansion development at this time.
In the nearer term, we’re closely monitoring community feedback, currently specific to some complaints with flare and ground effect phases - at this stage we feel we’re quite close, so we won’t be making any larger changes in this area to keep the behaviour relatively consistent, however we’ve identified some areas we can make gentle adjustments to - specifically with ground effect modelling. At this juncture we’re reasonably happy with the lift/cushion effect of the ground effect, but feel like the drag additive could be slightly increased. This, in theory, will help the aircraft “settle” on the runway a touch better. Currently within MSFS, the lift and drag of ground effect are intrinsically tied to one another, but we are currently developing and prototyping a solution to this, which will enable us to achieve more granular control over the drag properties when in ground effect. The other area we’re focusing on are complaints of difficulty controlling the aircraft when on ground, during rollout or takeoff specifically. We are currently re-tuning the ground friction modelling in line with the incoming SU15 and its new ground friction modelling, and believe this will be a step in the right direction. Our aim is to deploy both of these to you as soon as possible, so rest assured neither of these improvements will be waiting on the expansion before landing in your hands.
That’s all for now, below I’ve attached the patch notes for your latest version of the A320, available now! Enjoy :)
V2.0.0.407 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
Please note: due to art optimisations, please update your liveries in the Livery Manager so they remain compliant with the latest version of software. All liveries in the manager have been updated accordingly.
[Avionics and Systems]
Optimised performance of External Engine Model
Optimised performance of internal LVar handling
Added standby XPDR output LVar (i.e. the “displayed” value, N_FREQ_STANDBY_XPDR_SELECTED)
Added more configuration options for default EO ACC, default THR RED
Improved detection of when the aircraft has “loaded in” to the sim
Small AoA tweaks in flight control law
Fixed crash caused by failure to read aircraft.cfg
Fixed cabin announcement logging not being verbose enough
Fixed spoiler arm and disarm events being inverted
Fixed DisarmDoors announcement being cut off by the switch from engine generators
Fixed cabin ready not correctly handling single engine taxi
Fixed incorrect handling of aircraft.cfg comments
Fixed issue that could cause failure to hook or cabin announcements not working for users in some regions (TĂĽrkiye in particular)
Fixed incorrect TCAS target altitudes being shown on the ND when flying online
Fixed various other crashes throughout the systems (thank you to people who have the opt-in crash reporting turned on )
Fixed gear being lowered automatically when performing a belly landing
Fixed gear being up when spawning in
GSX settings are now overriden using their new API to automatically set the required GSX settings for the integration to work correctly
Fixed issue when connecting jetway or stairs via GSX
Fixed IDG fuel-based cooling running when engines are shut down
Fixed AOC WEATHER REQ requiring RETURN to be pressed twice
Fixed bypass pin not being correctly synced with GSX during pushback
Removed APU running requirement from DisarmDoors
Fixed some instances of being unable to board with GSX
Adjusted IAE FLX limit behaviour during takeoff, rotation, and THR RED
Fixed ADIRS LVars being rounded
Fixed VLS calculation for IAE engines
Fixed STS page not auto-clearing after 3 seconds when status is normal
Fixed CLB thrust being above FLX thrust
Fixed some MCDU settings not saving - failure scenarios in particular
Fixed missing ignition conditions for IAE engines (FLEX/TOGA thrust or approach idle)
Further improved VLS calculation
[Art and Sound]
Extensive optimisations to various parts of the art
Improved our custom LOD system, resulting in shorter delays when switching and supporting drone camera
Fixed CFM atd_id not matching the livery
Fixed cockpit dome light always on in external view
Reworked LOD system to fix FPS loss
Fixed small cockpit perf dip
Fixed various causes of errors throughout the EFB
Fixed race conditions in boarding status, including the way loadsheets are generated and sent
Fixed loadsheets not being generated when not using SimBrief
Fixed mismatching green dot speed between EFB and aircraft
Fixed mismatching SLT RETR and FLP RETR speeds between EFB and aircraft
Fixed THR RED and THR ACC not taking into account the configured acceleration height
Fixed incorrect ADC sent when departure time nears 0000Z
Fixed EFIS BARO CTL setting not saving
Fixed loadsheet error when starting boarding
Fixed issue with empty EOBT
Fixed refuelling in fast/slow mode using the incorrect unit
Fixed loadsheet ACARS messages not being acceptable
[Livery Manager]
Improved installation speed
Merci pour vos réponse!!
J'ai oublié de préciser que je vol en VR, du coup remote flight ne me correspond pas malgré sa qualité apparente
Effectivement le RMP de mini cockpit a l'air génial! J'espère qu'il est compatible tout avion, mais.... il n'est pas dispo de suite
Oui le panel logitech multifonction, ah si tu me confirmes qu'il fonctionne avec le fenix ca me plait bien ça, malgré son design dépassé
pour fonctionner avec le fenix c'est plug n play ou alors il faut passé par de la bidouille avec des logiciels intermédiaire?